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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 547

Chapter 547 Roses And Revelations. 

In the early light of dawn, Damien found himself in a dilemma, contemplating how to win back Cherise’s affections. It was his older sister, Maeve, who casually suggested, “Why not have her conduct your physical 


Little did she know… 

“Is there anything else you need?” 

“No, nothing else.” 

Maeve was both surprised by her brother’s initiative and puzzled by Cherise’s current demeanor. 

“Well, I’ll take my leave now.” 

Cherise announced, standing tall and elegant in her pristine white lab coat. 

As she approached the door, she paused for a moment. 

“If you’re set on choosing a meaningful name, how about Marcy Luther?” 

“It sounds more appealing than Talia Luther.” 

“Cherise, that guest… no, that patient is waiting for you in the lobby on the first floor. You can go straight there.” 

The bald supervisor informed her as she left Maeve’s ward. He greeted her with an eager grin, “Good luck! You must secure this client for our department! The acquisition of new equipment for our department next quarter depends entirely on you!” 

Faced with the supervisor’s enthusiasm, Cherise offered an awkward smile in return. “I… I’ll do my best.” 

Since Charisa Miles’s passing, Cherise had rarely personally guided patients through physical examinations, apart from taking care of her child. 

She often considered such tasks trivial and a waste of her valuable time. 

But now…. 

She sighed, resigning herself to whatever lay ahead. 

She would consider it a form of repayment for the supervisor’s long-standing kindness. 

With this in mind, she took a deep breath, composed herself, and stepped into the elevator. 

She watched as the numbers on the elevator slowly descended. When the number turned to “1”, Cherise breathed a sigh of relief and exited the elevator. 

The hospital’s first-floor lobby was eerily quiet, devoid of its usual hustle and bustle. 

But what truly startled her was not just the emptiness – the lobby was adorned with pink roses. 

Clusters of them filled the entire space, creating an almost ethereal scene that hardly resembled a hospital lobby at all. 


Rubbing her eyes in disbelief, Cherise tried to make sense of the surreal sight before her. 

What… what’s happening? 

Amidst the sea of roses, she saw him – Damien Lenoir. Dressed as he had been on their wedding day five years ago, in a white suit with gold trim, he approached her, holding a large bouquet of red roses. 

Cherise was speechless. 

In this moment, everything clicked into place. 

Why would someone be willing to pay ten million for a full body check by her? 

If that someone was Damien Lenoir, it all made sense. 


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