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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 613

Chapter 613 Jealousy 

Cherise let out a deep sigh as she left Ms. Lane’s office. 

Despite the passage of time, she still found herself vulnerable to deceit. 

The unsettling memory of pretending to be pleasant and consoling with Mr. Lane made her stomach churn. 

Realizing that Ms. Lane had orchestrated the incident two years ago only made her discomfort worse. 

“Mr. Lenoir, you have quite a talent for humor!” 

“Do I?” 

“Absolutely! I never thought Mr. Lenoir, who seems rather detached, could be so witty in conversation!” 

Cherise heard a man’s voice and a few women’s voices while still engrossed in the imaginary conversation. 

Furrowing her brows, Cherise instinctively glanced in the direction of the voices. 

She saw Damien leaning casually against the nurse station counter, engaged in lively conversation with several nurses. 

And these nurses… 

They were the ones who had visited her office a few days ago, asking for Damien’s contact. details. 

She remembered giving them his number during a heated exchange with Damien. 

So, were they flirting now? 

Her eyes flashed, and anger prickled her skin. 

Just yesterday, he had declared, “I’m pursuing you.” 

And now he was entertaining these women? 

Cherise swallowed hard as a deep sense of uneasiness gripped her, and disappointment dulled her eyes. 

She strode to the nurse station and stopped abruptly. 

Damien remained oblivious, his back turned and unaware, until one nurse noticed the formidable woman behind him. 

“Dr. Shaw, Dr. Shaw…” 

Silence quickly fell upon the group. 

Damien casually turned his head to glance at Cherise, his eyes free of guilt. He greeted her with a gentle smile and said, “Hi.” 

Despite the man’s indifference, the surrounding nurses were anything but composed. 

All eyes cautiously fixed on Cherise. 

Why did it seem like Dr. Shaw was displeased? 

Did she face reprimand from Ms. Lane? 

“Don’t you all have duties to attend to?” 

Cherise approached the nurse station and heard the distinct, urgent summons of a patient call bell. 

What were these nurses doing? 

Were they engaging in idle chatter with Damien? 

This was absurd! 

Cherise’s words prompted a swift dispersal of the nurses at the station. 

Soon, only Damien and Cherise remained. 

The man casually observed the nurses who had scurried off before turning to Cherise. “Why is Dr. Shaw so angry?” he asked defiantly. 

“Did Dr. Shaw get upset because of my friendly conversation? Are you feeling jealous?” 


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