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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 615

Chapter 615 The Shopping Trip 

He raised his phone and showed it to Cherise. 

The screen displayed a map of Lermille with a dot constantly moving. 

Clearly, it was a GPS location. 

“After you left Ms. Lane’s office, she left as well.” 

“I had Mr. Kolson follow her.” 

“We should be able to locate the person who impersonated your voice that year soon.” 

Cherise nodded, her eyes following the moving dot. She sighed in relief, “I was worried that after confronting her and revealing my connection to the Tanner family, she would become more cautious and stop provoking me.” 

Cherise shrugged and remarked, “It seems my father’s reputation isn’t as influential as I thought.” 

Damien smiled sympathetically as disappointment masked her face. 

He instinctively reached out to ruffle her hair, only to realize she was out of his reach. It was a poignant reminder of their changed relationship. 

The man paused with his hand suspended before reluctantly pulling it back. 

Nevertheless, he still smiled at her. “Perhaps it’s not that the Tanner family’s reputation is ineffective, but that Ms. Lane simply doesn’t believe you’re the heiress of the Tanner family.” 

“Why wouldn’t she believe?” Cherise frowned, glancing at her reflection in the mirror. “What about me doesn’t seem fitting?” She whined. 

Damien had no words. 

“You don’t resemble one at all.” 

“You even bargain when you buy groceries at the market.” 

“Isn’t it normal for a mother to haggle over prices when grocery shopping at the market?” 

Cherise gave Damien a disapproving look, though her words lacked conviction. 

Upon arriving in Lermille, Cherise realized that her words and actions were not suitable for her status as the heiress of the Tanner family, despite her initial protest. 


But that was who she was. 

Raised in the Shaw family village, Cherise never grew accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle nor aspired to it. 

She was content with her current life and found fulfillment in simplicity. 

However, she had already spoken honestly to Ms. Lane as a reminder. 

If she didn’t believe, it was simply due to her limited perspective. 

Cherise took a deep breath and turned to Damien, “Should we just wait for the fish to take the bait now?” 

Damien nodded and grinned at her, “You could also go shopping and relax with Lucy.” 

Cherise frowned and scoffed, “relax?” 


A glint of mischief flickered in Damien’s dark eyes as he asked, “You haven’t been to a luxury mall in quite some time, have you?” 

Cherise was taken aback and instinctively nodded. 

It had indeed been a while since she visited those high-end malls. 

It wasn’t that she couldn’t afford it; she simply didn’t care for those expensive and impractical items. 


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