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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 637

Chapter 637 You Do Care About Me 

Damien offered a faint smile. “Your mother isn’t fierce. She’s just concerned about your well- being.” He tousled Serafina’s hair and gently placed her on the chair. “If you want me to carry you next time, make sure your mother doesn’t see it, okay?” 


Cherise was astonished. 

Does he have the audacity to openly say such things in front of me? 

Does he think I’m a pushover when it comes to my children?! 

“Dinner time!” 

Soren had already started eating. “I’m starving.” 

“When I made pierogis with Mommy, we were never this slow.” He even gave Damien a somewhat disapproving look. “Mr. Lenoir, you need to step up your game!” 

Damien smiled lightly. “I will.” 

“Let’s eat, Mr. Handsome!” Serafina also started eating. “My mommy’s pierogis are amazing!” 

Damien smiled tenderly and glanced at Cherise. “They truly are amazing.” 

Cherise was speechless. This man had become somewhat endearing in the presence of the children. 

After dinner, Soren suggested that Damien should wash the dishes. Before Cherise could object, the man offered a casual smile. “Sure.” 

Cherise was stunned. Her children weren’t polite to Damien, a supposed ‘stranger.” 

Damien had already carried the dishes to the kitchen in the blink of an eye. Cherise. reluctantly followed him. “I’ll do it.” 

Regardless of her relationship with Damien, he was still her guest. It wasn’t very nice to have him wash the dishes. 

“I promise not to damage your dishes.” The man grinned nonchalantly. He turned on the faucet and squirted dishwashing liquid onto a plate. 

As if to prove his words, he lifted the soapy plate and was about to demonstrate scrubbing it when the plate slipped from his grasp and shattered with a crash. 



Cherise and Damien were astonished. The man’s expression turned slightly awkward. 

He coughed lightly and crouched down to pick up the shards. “This was an accident…” 

Cherise frowned. “Don’t touch it!” 

But the man had already touched the broken porcelain shards on the floor. 

“Have you lost your mind?” She frowned as she rushed over and hurriedly grabbed his hand. She turned it over as she examined it. “The shards can easily cut your skin…”. 

“I’m fine.” 

Cherise pursed her lips as she examined his hand meticulously. Fortunately, she had intervened in time, and his fingers were unharmed. 


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