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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 860

Chapter 860 Nocturnal Intrigue 

Yolanda’s voice dripped with flirtation in the delicate cocoon of her ear. Damien, you mentioned you’d come over once Cherise drifts into slumber. When might that be?” 

I’m a bit weary. When do you think Cherise will doze off?” 

Why not utilize the sleeping pills you’ve prepared? Didn’t you prepare them?” 

Cherise offered no reply

She simply listened, her silence a canvas for Yolanda’s monologue, punctuated by soft utterances of Mm,Ah,Okay.” 

Excellent. Let’s convene at our usual haunt tomorrow!” 

Confronted with Yolanda’s buoyant tone, Cherise sighed inwardly, rubbing her temples. Ms. Weiss.” 

Finally, Yolanda exclaimed through the line, You are” 

I am Cherise.” 

With the phone nestled in her palm, Cherise sighed again, her brow furrowing

While she didn’t consider her initial helloparticularly loud, it wasn’t muted

If her voice reached Yolanda’s ears, why did Yolanda persist in this charade

Furthermore, Cherise never fathomed her softened tone, which could mirror Damien’s deep timbre

Ms. Weiss knowingly played this game, which is evident in her calculated words

The intention behind her carefully chosen words was evident

Summoning a deep breath, Cherise offered a faint smile. Ms. Weiss, I presumed your late call was in pursuit of an accord regarding the issue of the shares with my husband.” 

As his spouse, I, too, wish for an amicable resolution.” 

Yet, your deliberate choice of words only muddies the waters between you and my husband.” 

Hence, I concur that my husband maintains a distance from you.” 


With this declaration, her tone turned icy. It’s late, Ms. Weiss. Rest well. Perhaps in your dreams, you’ll succeed in winning over your desired quarry.” 

Without waiting for Yolanda’s retort, Cherise terminated the call

Attempting to sow discord between her and Damien with such crude methods

No way


The car door swung open at an indeterminate time. Damien stood outside, exuding the scent of tobacco and the chill of the night air, a smile gracing his lips. Just like the conduct of Mrs. Lenoir.” 

Cherise’s checks flushed crimson. Youyou heard everything?” 


With a smile, Damien entered the car, closing the door. His imposing frame once again enveloped Cherise. My dear little fool, you’ve grown, defending the honor of Mrs. Lenoir.” 

Cherise weakly pushed against him. I’ve told you I’m not a fool!” 

But in my eyes, you’ll always be my dear, my little fool.” 

When a shiver coursed through her body, Cherise pouted, poised to retaliate

In a mix of surprise and anger, she met Damien’s gaze. Damien!” 

Yes, it’s me,” 


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