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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 874

Chapter 874 Sebastian’s Strategy 

Doesn’t this mcan Cherise caused her mother’s death

I understand!” 

With a determined breath, she reached for her phone, ready to execute her plan. Sam, let’s use our company’s cyber troll” 

But her phone was snatched away before her words could fully leave her lips

What are you doing!?she snapped

Yolanda glared at Sebastian



foolish?he chided

Using our company’s cyber trolls will eventually be discovered.” 

In a smooth motion, he leaned back comfortably and produced another phone, extending it towards her. Use this phone and find a local cyber troll company in Adania,he instructed

If someone asks who you are, say you are Gwenn.” 

Yolanda’s frown eased as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. So when Damien investigates, he won’t find us, only Gwenn?she surmised


Sebastian’s casual yawn belied the gravity of his actions. Gwenn has caused you so much trouble, and it’s only fair to give her a little trouble in return, right?” 

Cherise luxuriated in slumber until the clock struck two in the afternoon

Emerging from her restful cocoon, she stretched languidly and glanced at her phone nonchalantly

The device blinked with urgency, indicating over twenty missed calls

Among them, ten bore the name of Heather, five hailed from Dr. Penn, three from Lucy, and a pair from Sebastian

With a detached air, Cherise brushed off the clamor for her attention, tossing the phone 


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Chapter 874 Sebastian’s Strategy 

aside as if it were inconsequential

Their purpose

was evident even without her inquiry

It was likely that the chatter outside was abuzz with speculations of her culpability in her own mother’s demise

However, Cherise had steeled herself for such conjecture

Following a meal downstairs, she swiftly retrieved her resignation letter and departed through the door, her resolve firm and unwavering

On this occasion, Cherise opted not to conceal herself beneath a hat or mask. She proceeded to the research institute with a clear countenance and devoid of disguise

Following this incident, she is no longer inclined to pursue a related position in her career for now

Indeed, Cherise harbored no inclination to remain in a research institute where 

individuals would extend kindness just because Damien invited them for a meal, only to later disparage her based on unsubstantiated gossip

Yet, to her surprise, the reception was not as expected. Politeness replaced sarcasm, and concern replaced disdain

You want to resign!?” 

Dr. Penn’s shock mirrored her own as he beheld the resignation letter. Why, Dr. Shaw?he queried, genuine concern etched in his features

You are such a valuable doctor, and finding someone of your caliber is truly challenging. I sincerely hope you reconsider your decision to leave,Dr. Penn expressed with genuine 


Cherise cleared her throat softly. Dr. Penn, you must know the rumors circulating about 


My reputation is not good, so” 

Your reputation?” 

Dr. Penn’s 


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