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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 902

Chapter 902 A Lifetime Abundance of Drumsticks 

Cherise pursed her lips, puzzled by Damien’s strange behavior that night. 

She pushed open the door in front of her, taking the lead as she stepped into the elevator. 

However, to her surprise, after stepping out when she reached the first floor, she found herself surrounded by a crowd of people. 

“Mrs. Lenoir! This is a small token of apology from our newspaper to you!” 

“Mrs. Lenoir, we have prepared a gift for you that we hope you will like! Please accept it!” 

“Mrs. Lenoir…” 

Amidst the chorus of “Mrs. Lenoir,” a tantalizing aroma of drumsticks wafted through the air… 

Cherise furrowed her brow, noticing that each person in the crowd was holding a large bouquet. 

However, these bouquets were not filled with flowers. 

Instead, they were packed with drumsticks. 

Grilled, fried, and coated with various sauces and seasonings… 

All varieties of drumsticks were artfully arranged to resemble bouquets, some even adorned with buttery bows. 

Cherise found herself encircled by drumsticks. 

Hunger gnawed at her with every inch of her body, threatening to overthrow any sense of decorum. The juicy drumsticks looked so succulent, and the smell and sight of them were an invitation to savor 


Yet, if she accepted a drumstick from even just one person, she would be obliged to accept all the drumsticks from the others. 

Cherise gazed at the crowd before her. 

The line of people offering her drumsticks extended from the elevator door to the building’s entrance. 

Estimating roughly, she might have to consume these drumsticks for one to two years…. 

A sense of despair washed over Cherise. 

It was despair born of hunger and a desire to eat to her heart’s wishes and the paradoxical situation because she was unable to eat them all. 


Just as Cherise hesitated between acceptance and refusal, the man behind her spoke calmly, “Everyone is overly enthusiastic, and my wife is having trouble deciding.” 


“How about this? Each of you set down the drumsticks and leave your business cards on the table by the door. I will remember everyone’s names, and my wife can choose freely without feeling pressured.” 

What choice did the people have but to comply with Damien’s instructions? 

A flurry of activity ensued as the individuals placed their large drumsticks bouquets on the pristine table, followed by leaving their business cards on top of the bouquets. 

More and more drumsticks were set down, and more and more business cards were left. 

Eventually, the table was overflowing with business cards! 

As the crowd dispersed, Cherise massaged her temples, pondering what to do with the abundance of drumsticks. 

These cooked drumsticks couldn’t be frozen and were challenging to store. 

Despite the approaching autumn, the lingering summer heat would undoubtedly spoil them within a few days. 

And with such a surplus of drumsticks… how would she manage them? 

Turning to Damien with a resentful glare, she demanded, “What is the meaning of all this?” 


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