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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 978

Chapter 978 Flames of Desire 

Damien’s gaze sharpened, a glint of determination flashing in his eyes

In an instant, he shifted position, hovering over her, his lips pressing firmly against hers

Cherise recoiled, caught off guard by Damien’s sudden advance

You said 

you wanted me to cease withholding,Damien murmured, his voice low and intense. And my deepest longing at this moment is precisely this.” 

Cherise found herself immobilized by Damien’s unexpected kiss

Her mind raced, unable to process the abruptness of the gesture

This proximity was uncharted territory, particularly since her memory loss

She lay stiffly, her thoughts scattered, unable to formulate a response

Undeterred, Damien continued, his grip on her head tightening as he deepened the kiss, relentless in his pursuit

Only when Cherise gasped for air, her cheeks flushed crimson, did she manage to push him away. His faint smile belied his satisfaction. Are you content now, Mrs. Lenoir?” 

Cherise’s embarrassment flared, her cheeks ablaze as she met his gaze. I explicitly asked you not to hold back, but whywhy did you kiss me?” 

Because it’s something I’ve yearned to do,Damien confessed, drawing her back into his embrace. Cherise.” 

Cherise pursed her lips, her tone hesitant. Yes?” 

You must recover your memory swiftly,Damien insisted, his voice tinged with urgency. I can’t continue to restrain myself like this.” 

Puzzled, Cherise furrowed her brow, struggling to comprehend his cryptic words

His sudden gesture of pinching her nose brought clarity. Your amnesia prohibits me from expressing my true feelings,Damien clarified. If you were to forget me entirely, it would be a grievous error.” 

Cherise’s lips formed a contemplative line, and in a fleeting moment, comprehension dawned upon her

Damien’s cryptic words alluded to the intimate union between a man and a womana realm. fraught with desires unspoken yet keenly felt


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Chapter 978 Flames of Desire 


In the haze of her amnesia, Damien had shown unwavering patience and tenderness, never imposing beyond her comfort

Yet, beneath his composed facade, he remained a man bound by human desires

Each night, cradling his own wife yet stifled in his yearning to fully articulate his desires, it surely inflicted a torment upon him, didn’t it

Her lips pursed in contemplation, and a sudden realization dawned upon her: Damien’s dark and gloomy expression earlier likely harbored depths beyond mere physical pain, didn’t it

Could it be thathe yearned for something unattainable, yet that desire remained ever- present before him

Empathy swelled within her, a pang of sympathy for Damien’s silent struggle

With determination etched in her expression, she met his gaze squarely. Do you truly desire this?she inquired earnestly

I can do it.” 

With resolve coursing through her veins, Cherise leaned in, bestowing a tender kiss upon his cheek. Even in the absence of my memory,she murmured softly

Yet I can fulfill my duties as a wife,she declared

With that, she delicately undid the buttons of her nightgown, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. Howshould we proceed?she queried, her gaze searching his

What should we do first?Her questions hung in the air, punctuated by a pause as she considered her following words. Should I take a bath first?Her voice trailed off, leaving the decision in his hands

Her dark eyes bore into his, a mixture of seriousness and determination reflected within them. You tell me,” she implored, awaiting his guidance

Damien found himself at a loss for words, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions

At that moment, a line from the novels Cherise once cherished echoed in his thoughts: Woman, you are playing with fire.” 

He couldn’t deny the truth of those wordsCherise was indeed daringly toying with flames, igniting passions with audacity


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