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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 997

Chapter 997 Unyielding Embrace

After pronouncing those words, he firmly clasped Cherise’s shoulders, guiding her into the car with purpose, and followed suit, enveloping her in his embrace as they settled inside the vehicle.

Throughout the journey, Cherise hurled curses at him, her anger simmering beneath the surface like a tempestuous sea.

Her ire stemmed from Damien’s confining of her freedom and his inexplicable failure to offer an explanation.

Why, she pondered, did he not clarify if he was facing difficulties?

Why did he remain silent if the situation did not align with Sebastian’s depiction?

Given her current feeling f

explanation he provided.

him, he should have known that she would unquestionably believe any

Yet, he uttered not a single word of clarification.

Did he truly lack an explanation, or did he feel absolved of the obligation to offer one?

What, she questioned, did he perceive her as?

An object?

A pet?

Or perhaps merely a plaything devoid of memories, past, or the capacity for independent thought?

In truth, she harbored doubt regarding Sebastian’s assertions concerning their relationship.

Her instinctual response to Sebastian was repulsive, while her innate connection lay with Damien.

Furthermore, she entertained the notion that the version of herself devoid of memories held affection. for Damien.

Yet, she struggled to reconcile how the former Cherise could have been entangled with Damien amidst an arranged union resembling a transaction, compounded by her parents’ evident hostility.

Ultimately, wearied by the ceaseless internal conflict, she yearned for resolution.

With closed eyes, Cherise surrendered to the enigmatic warmth that radiated from Damien, a familiar and foreign warmth enveloping her in its embrace. “Damien,” she breathed softly.

“I am not the same Cherise you once knew,” she confessed, her voice tinged with a newfound resolve.

“I aspire to embody a clarity that discerns between love and hatred,” she continued, her words trailing like delicate whispers in the still air.

“But I cannot… after comprehending the depth of those emotions, I cannot remain by your side,” she


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Chapter 997 Unyielding Embrace


Summoning courage from the depths of her being, she exhaled a deep sigh. “Let us part ways, Damien,” she murmured, her words weighted with finality.

“Promise me, we shall dissolve our union,” she implored.

But Damien, steadfast and unyielding, tightened his grip on her arm. “I refuse,” he declared firmly.


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