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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Two days later, it was Monday.

It had been two days since she saw Liam. The thought that she would get to see her son again made Sylvia especially ecstatic. She took an early day off and left by noon.

She went to a nearby shopping mall where she bought large bags of ingredients, then she headed to the toy store to buy Liam and Isabel their favorite toys before making her way home.

Right after she entered the car and was just putting on her seat belt, the kindergarten teacher called her.

The teacher’s voice sounded anxious on the phone. “Miss Ross, your daughter got into a fight with someone at school. Please come as soon as you can.”

Sylvia’s expression shifted in an instant. “Okay, I’ll be right there.”

After hanging up the phone, she quickly revved the engine and zoomed off.

It took her less than ten minutes to reach the kindergarten.

She went to the teacher’s office, and as soon as she came in, she saw several children standing by the wall.

The one that immediately caught her attention was the girl whose hair was so messy that it could have been mistaken for a bird nest. The child still wore a disdainful, upset expression on her face. It was Isabel.

Next to her was Liam with what seemed like claw marks on his fair face.

Sylvia became upset and frowned. She approached the two.

She peered at them up and down to make sure they had not sustained any other injuries before she began to question, “What’s going on? Why did you two start a fight?”

Isabel snorted and pointed at the two little boys next to them. “They were the ones who bullied my brother first. He was sleeping and wasn’t even bothering them. They were the ones who started throwing erasers at him unprovoked.”

The two little boys were rather large for their age and seemed tough.

However, their faces and necks were riddled with fresh marks; they were either claw marks or red spots as a result of sustaining blunt force.

They quickly bowed their heads as if cowering in fear when Isabel pointed at them.

This was surely her work.

Sylvia turned to Liam. He remarked with a faint pout, “I don’t blame my sister. She stood up for me and beat them



Sylvia put a hand forward and patted his head. “Liam, you two are siblings and should help each other. Mommy won’t blame either of you for that.”

She knew what Isabel’s temper was like. She was not the type to start trouble unless someone

provoked her first.

Besides, the thought that these two boys picked on Liam upset her just as well as it upset Isabel.

Isabel felt vindicated, and her demeanor grew more arrogant when she heard this.

Liam also responded with a faint smile. This was when the headteacher appeared.: She relayed the story to Sylvia, and it was the same as what Isabel said. It was the two boys who had provoked them and caused trouble first. Still, Isabel and Liam did more than stand up for themselves; they beat the two boys up until they sobbed and begged for mercy before stopping. The headteacher remarked, “Miss Ross, I acknowledge that those two boys were in the wrong, but Isabel went overboard.”

Sylvia scratched her nose and stated, “I’ll make sure to speak to her when we get home.”


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