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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123

“Alright, it’s way easier if we only investigate him. I should be able to get back to you by tomorrow morning.” 

“Ok, thanks again.” 

“No need for these formalities. Make sure you rest early and don’t worry too much. They won’t do anything to Aunt Tonya.” 

Sylvia grimaced and answered, “Okay.” 

At the Carters’ residence, when Odell came to the living room, he saw Madam Carter sitting all alone on the sofa. 

He frowned and asked, “Grandma, where are Liam and Isabel?” The madam had a shifty look in her eyes when she informed him, “They should be playing in their room.” 

Odell stepped towards their room. 

Before he reached the door, he could hear Isabel complaining from inside, “I’m gonna turn the meanie into a turtle! Or I’ll turn him into a puppy…” 

She was busy casting a spell on him. 

Without further thought, he pushed the door open. Isabel, who was on the floor and badmouthing him, immediately zipped her lips. Liam moved in front of her, fearing that Odell would grab her and teach her a hard lesson. 

Nevertheless, Odell entered and nonchalantly pulled a chair to sit in front of them. He asked,” Have you two had dinner yet?” 

Isabel turned away snobbishly. “Hmmph!” 

She ignored him! 

Odell scowled and turned to Liam. 

Liam answered, “I’ve eaten.” “What did you eat?” 


Odell had no comeback to that. He glanced at the watch on his wrist to see what time it was. 

After that, he took a book from the bookshelf next to him. 

He glanced at Liam and Isabel, then he coughed softly and announced stiffly, “Sit down. Let me tell you a bedtime story.” 


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