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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife novel Chapter 202

Chapter 202 Taras eyes flickered, and her expression turned icy for a split second

This fool! Her claim of their friendship was merely out of politeness, and she could turn a blind eye to her for causing trouble by scolding the children in front of Odell. How dare she turn around and accuse her now?

Nesta immediately recognized the look of displeasure and contempt on her face. She narrowed her eyes and said nothing before turning around to heat out

Tara scoffed and shouted, Useless idiot! Get out!” 



After Tara and Nesta left, Sylvia was still in the yard looking at the finished paintings of the students

It was only until lunchtime when someone wanted to invite Tara and Nesta to eat that they found out that they had left. It was clear that they had left out of anger. Everyone knew this was the reason, so they simply smiled and move on

Tara would not be of much help even if she stayed anyway. Her attitude was brash and off putting, and nobody ever dared to approach her for advice

Meanwhile, Sylvia was the renowned Ms. Sunflower. She was not only willing to look at the paintings of the students, but she was also very eager to discuss techniques and other particulars with them. She would even take the time to share her own experiences with them


She was superior to Tara whether it was in terms of artistic skills or personality. There was simply no contest 

Sylvia raised an eyebrow upon hearing the duo had left

Good riddance. They were an eyesore anyway

The day passed in the blink of an eye

The event had come to an end. Tomorrow, everyone would be leaving Glanchester and heading back to their respective homes

However, Sylvia could not hold off their fervent hospitality and was invited to dine out with them. Isabel being a favorite amongst them did not help either

Sylvia brought Isabel and Liam with her and went to a nearby restaurant for a dinner. They ate until it was midnight when she took the children back

Just like the last night, Sylvia helped them shower and had them change into their pajamas. Then, she sat on the bed and played some games with them


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