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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife novel Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Edmund searched the second floor of the restaurant twice but did not see Sylvia anywhere. 

Feeling anxious, she called Tara right away. “Where’s Syl? I can’t find her anywhere!” 

Tara had not expected his swift arrival. She said with a smile, “She should be in the first room on the second floor.” 

Edmund was annoyed by her tone. “I just went in there and I didn’t see her!” 

Tara was taken aback. “Hold on, let me ask my friend.” 

Then, she quickly texted the ‘waiter’ that she had bribed. “Where is Sylvia Ross?” 

The waiter had just come out from the men’s room when he saw the text. He glanced at the lady’s room and replied, “I saw her walk into the lady’s room and I think she’s still in there.” “Keep an eye on her. If she comes out, text me right away!” Tara then quickly got out of the car and took a shortcut to the restaurant. While those two were searching for Sylvia, Odell had already taken her to the parking lot. 

He had parked his car at the furthest spot. 

When he finally brought Sylvia close enough, intending on tossing her into the car, she clung to him like an octopus. 

Not only did she cling to him, she even nuzzled against every part of his body in a strange way, as if she was a purring cat. 

The ticklish sensation got to him and he tapped her on the forehead. 

“Stop it!” 

Sylvia grunted in pain as she was shoved into the passenger seat. 

Odell quickly shut the door and ran over to the driver’s seat. 

The car roared to life and sprinted out of the parking lot. 

Meanwhile back at the restaurant, Tara arrived at the lady’s room on the second floor with Edmund. 

Tara put on a smile and said, “Master Price, hold on. I’ll go have a look inside.” 

Edmund impatiently said, “Hurry up!” 

Tara also wanted him to take Sylvia away. 

She opened the door but only found Harley washing her hands inside. 

Tara felt a sense of familiarity but was unable to recall who Harley was. She smiled and asked,” Hi, did you see a drunken lady in here earlier?” 

Harley reacted to the question with shifty eyes. She knew that ever since Glanchester, Tara and Sylvia did not get along and the one who had taken Sylvia away was Tara’s current boyfriend. 


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