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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife novel Chapter 406

Chapter 406

Sherry cried out excitedly the moment she heard Sylvia’s voice, “Sylvia! Where are you? Why is your phone turned off? I’ve been trying to find you for days and I even went to Odell but he couldn’t even be bothered to give me the time of the day. Did something happen to you?”

Sylvia lowered her voice to a hushed whisper, ” Something did happen to me, but you don’t have to worry.”

“How am I supposed to not worry? I haven’t heard from you for so many days.” She suddenly added when another thought came to her, “By the way, I heard that Madam Carter had an accident, but I couldn’t find any more details when I began asking around.”

Sylvia’s eyes shifted when she heard this. “Grandma fell off a cliff and is now in a vegetative state.”

“What?!” Sherry exclaimed.

Sylvia quickly asked, “Don’t you know anything about this accident?”

“Of course, I don’t. All I heard is that there’s been an accident involving Madam Carter, but no one knows what happened and of course, nobody knows that she’s now in a vegetative state.”

Sylvia frowned.

Sherry was very well-connected in Westchester City. She knew all kinds of people and knew everything that happened day in and day out.

Unless Odell had purposely kept what happened to Grandma a secret.

If he kept it a secret, how did Tara find out?

Sylvia vividly remembered how Tara accused her and Edmund of being the ones responsible for what happened to Grandma the last time they met.

Did Odell tell her?

Sherry enquired on the phone, “Sylvia, say something. Where are you now?”

Sylvia answered, “I’m in Odell’s house. He’s keeping me imprisoned here.”

“What’s his problem?”

“When Grandma fell, I just happened to be having a chat with Edmund. The moment he saw me with

Edmund, his immediate reaction was to suspect that I was having an affair with Edmund and that we pushed Grandma off the cliff to silence her because she stumbled into us being together.”

“What, what’s wrong with this line of reasoning?! ” Sherry piped furiously. “Sylvia, just sit tight. I’ll send someone to rescue you.”

Sylvia hurriedly persuaded her, “Sherry, let’s calm down first. There are eyes on me everywhere and you can’t break me out even if you send someone.”

“Then how am I supposed to save you?”


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