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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Sylvia hurriedly stopped them. Doing so was only going to further upset Odell even more and push him to the point of no return. She consoled them patiently, “Isabel, Liam, Mommy will take you out to play the day after tomorrow.” 

“But I don’t like the ugly lady,” Isabel protested. 

“I don’t like her either,” Liam said with a look of disdain. 

Sylvia did not want them to be with Tara either. Still, there was nothing she could do that would change Odell’s mind. 

After some consideration, she said, “Be patient. If she tries to bully you two, call me immediately.” 

Isabel pouted and answered reluctantly, “Okay.” 

Liam was silent. 

Sylvia stayed with them a while longer and only left after she managed to convince them to eat dinner. 

After she went home, she sent a text to Tristan. She told him that she would go to the ball with him tomorrow evening. 

Tristan replied with a smiling emoji followed by, “Okay, do you need an evening dress? I’ll have someone deliver one to you.” 

Since it was just a networking event, Sylvia did not plan to dance at all. She replied, “It’s alright, I’ll prepare one myself.”  

The next day, Isabel and Liam were still sleeping soundly together. 

It was noon by then. Odell entered their room and forcefully yanked them out of bed since the children refused to wake up. 

After helping them get ready and change, Odell picked each of them up with one hand. There was a large black convertible waiting for them outside. Tara had been waiting inside for hours. 

When she saw Odell emerging with the children, a flash of hatred flickered in her eyes. She silently muttered curses at the children before putting on a smile to greet them. 

She said in a concerned voice, “Odell, why are you grabbing them like this? I’m sure they’re not happy being carried like this.” 

“They will be fine,” Odell said sternly before shoving them into the car. Tara promptly put a hand to them and asked affectionately, “Isabel, Liam, can I give you two a 


Liarn had a quiet and indifferent look as he ignored her. 

Isabel snorted, “I’ve seen women like you on TV. Don’t try to act all friendly with us.” 

Tara’s expression stiffened. She cast a wounded look at Odell who entered the car with them. He forcefully grabbed Isabel and pulled her into his arms like she was a household pet. 

Then, he turned to Tara and said, “Don’t worry about them.” Tara sighed morosely. “Okay.” She took a deep breath and spewed a stream of curses at the children inside her mind. 


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