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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8 The mother, son, and daughter trio hugged for some time before breaking up. Sylvia sat on the floor with them and listened to Isabel narrate her meeting with Liam in kindergarten.

After she finished telling her story, she turned up to her mother with her chubby face and seemed like she was expecting praise. Sylvia smiled and lowered herself to plant a kiss on her daughter’s cheeks. “Good work, Isabel.”

Isabel chuckled.

Liam suddenly turned to Sylvia as well with his cheeks that resembled two freshly baked buns.

He always wore a quiet, discrete look on his face. His large eyes were like pearls as he stared at his mother expectantly. Sylvia immediately kissed him on the cheeks as well. “Liam, good work too.” Liam pursed his lips and smiled shyly.

Sylvia proceeded to ask him, “Liam, could you tell us about your life at home?”

She wanted to know about his life in the past three years.

If it turned out that Tara mistreated Liam, she would do everything in her power to take her son back from Odell! Upon asking this question, she immediately noticed Liam’s expression darkening slightly. He responded dully, “My life is boring.” Boring?

Sylvia was taken aback.

Liam explained, “Before I started going to kindergarten, every day is the same as the other. It’s either playing games, eating, or spending time with Great-grandma.” Spending time with Great-grandma?

Sylvia enquired, “Liam, do you live with Great-grandma?” Liam nodded firmly. The three years of pent-up frustration inside Sylvia suddenly deflated upon hearing this.

How could she have ever forgotten about Madam Carter?

The old madam was essentially the one who had single-handedly raised Odell, and the latter had nothing but veneration for her.

She adored her grandson Odell, and it was all thanks to her that Sylvia and Odell even got married in the first place.

Five years ago, Sylvia had fallen under the web of plots weaved by her stepmother along with Odell’s stepmother, whereby she was led into Odell’s room where they proceeded to be

intimate with each other. After that, they sent someone into the room and caught the two in the middle of the act. The fallout of the incident was that Odell had no choice but to marry her.

Later on, Odell never believed her when she claimed that she had been deceived the same way that he had, but the old madam trusted her. After Tara entered the picture, the old lady herself made it clear to Odell that she would not accept Tara as family.

If Liam had been living with the old madam for the past three years, he must have been treated fairly and safe from the abuse of Tara.

Sylvia heaved a sigh of relief before asking, “Liam, what do you think needs to happen for your days to not be boring?” Liam looked at her, then at his lovely sister, and said, “Well, it sure isn’t boring now.” Sylvia was delighted by his answer. She patted his head and said with a smile, “I’ve never been happier than I am now.”

Not to be outdone, Isabel leaned forward and stated, “I’m super happy now too!”

At the Carters’, after sending Tara back home, this was the first place Odell rushed to.

Today was Liam’s first day in kindergarten. His original plan was to go to the kindergarten to pick Liam up in the afternoon, but he was held up by the infuriating encounter with that woman, Sylvia. He ended up waiting the entire afternoon for a proper apology from her. He never expected that she would resign and flee!

Moments before stepping into the living room, Odell tightened his lips and suppressed his burning temper before entering the living room.

He saw Madam Carter sitting on the couch and drinking tea by herself,

He approached and asked, “Grandma, where is Liam?”

The old lady answered curtly with a cross look, “Liam went to play at a classmate’s house.” “Which classmate? Why isn’t he back yet?” “You’re his biological father, and you’re asking me this question. How am I supposed to answer that?”



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