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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-wife novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98

Sylvia came honie early today with a bunch of liol pot ingredients and started preparing with Aunt Tonya With the hot pot soup base, the meat, and the meatballs that Isabel loved, the p aration took them a full five hours 

When it was almost time for the kids to conie over, Sylvia took her apron off, dragged the table and chairs to the yard, and waited for them to arrive However, no one came even after the sky tuned Jark 

Sylvia looked at hier watch II was almost an hour past the time that they were supposed to arrive 

Worried, she called Isabel’s phone but could not get through She then called Liam, but the phone was tumed off 

Then, she called Jacob, the bodyguard Two dial tones later, the call gut through “Jacob, are Isabel and Liam back from school? Jacob froze for two seconds belone he said, “The two of them are already back home” He sounded evasive and conflicted 

“Why didn’t they come over today?” 

“Umin. “Jacob sighed Ms Ross, Master Carter said they are not allowed to see you again if you call, he told me to tell you to forget about seeing them again” Confused and imitated, Sylvia raised her voice, “What is the meaning of this? 

“Ms Ross, I have no idea. I have to go back to work Bye ” Jacob quicidy hung up the phone Sylvia then called Odell She wanted an answer Just last night, he had dinner with the lods at her place, and now, he stopped them from coming over again? What could have gone wrong? She dialed Odell’s number, but after a few beeps, she was told that the number she called was busy she rested for a while before calling again but got the same outcome It was obvious that he had just blocked her Sylvia tapped on WhatsApp and located Odell’s contact 

“Odell, what is wrong with you agatu? Why are you keeping the kids from seeing met The text was sent, but it did not reach him There was a sadure mnack beside the message He had bludud her and deleted her number Sylvia put her phone down and strode towards the Carter Residence 

Right after she crossed the bridge, she was stopped by Odell’s bodyguard who was stationed there. 

Sylvia took a detour, but she was still blocked, so she was forced to return home. 

There was a feast prepared on the dining table in the yard. The fragrance of the soup filled the air, but it did not whether appetite al all. 

The next morning, Sylvia went straight to Carter Corporation. 


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