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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta (Lanie Stanton) novel Chapter 215

Chapter 215
I couldn’t look any of them in the face, especially Gabriela, as my cheeks flooded with heat so intense l
swear it sizzled. I focused on the baby in my lap instead, and to my relief, everyone else at the table dug into
the meal and took turns feeding the pups.
The conversation stayed light, but a little strained, which was better than Mason and Xander going for each other’s throats. I couldn’t recall the last time I’d actually eaten, so I quickly cut into the massive slab of beef Xander had prepared. The moment I took that first bite of my steak, my hunger roared to life so fiercely that I moaned. The clatter of forks on the plates stopped, and I felt the weight of every male eye on me.
I could hardly swallow my steak with the three of them staring. But there was power in the feeling, too. Of being wanted, craved, and desired by three of the se xiest strongest men I’d ever met. My men, I thought, a little dazed.
My mates.
A glow rose up inside me at the thought of it, and it wasn’t until I saw Zane staring at me with wide eyes.
that I realized with embarrassment that it wasn’t an imaginary light, but a literal one. The faint golden aura surrounded me. Xander saw it next, followed by Mason.
Their jaws all dropped.
“The Luna Light,” Gabriela murmured with a small shake of her head and a smile. “I think it’s time these
little ones were all tucked up into bed, and this old lady went off to sleep herself.”
“But-“Xander began, and she shushed him with a stern look.
“I’ll help you,” I offered quickly. “Too much for one set of hands. And besides, it’s going to be a long time
before I won’t want to make sure they’re all oka
“Boys, you take care of the kitchen,” Gabriela ordered.
Together, Xander’s mother and I took the pups into the living room. We cleaned them off with wipes, making sure their adorable baby rolls were wiped clean, then changed their diapers and dressed them in clean
“I can’t wait until we can give them real, proper baths,” I said softly as Gabriela hummed a lullaby. “When we can just be at home, all of us together.”
“Home,” Gabriela agreed. “Soon enough, if the Goddess permits.”
One by one, we tucked the yawning pups into their bassinets. I knew it had to be my imagination, but Stella seemed to have grown even since the last I’d seen her. I could see the shape of Xander’s smile in her lips
as she fell asleep.
Alaina was already sleeping, and Isaac’s eyes drooped. I kissed them both on the foreheads, feeling my heart twist with this unexpected love…one I was immensely grateful to have.
could hear the mutter and rumble of male voices and clatter of plates. “You’ll have your work cut out for you, my dear, wrangling those three.”
“I don’t know what to do about them,” I whispered h o ar sely. I didn’t really want to discuss my sex life with
Xander’s mother any more than I would’ve wanted to with my own mom, but it wasn’t like she didn’t know I’d slept with all the men now trading louder and louder insults.
“If you wake these babies, you’ll have to face me,” I called out, and they fell silent.
She grinned at me. “Seems like you know exactly how to handle them all, Lanie. But if you’re not sure, open yourself up to that light. You’ll find your way. I’d tell you to get some rest, but something says that’s a tall
order tonight.”
She touched my hand, then drew me close for a hug that surprised me. She patted my back. When she
pulled away, she held me by both shoulders.
“You’ll find your way,” she said again. “Go on, now.”
Nervously, I left her in the small living room with the sleeping pups and went to the kitchen. They’d done a fine job of clearing everything away and washing the dishes. The three of them were lined up at the sink,
Xander washing, Zane rinsing, and Mason drying.
Stunned, I couldn’t help myself from staring at the picture of domesticity. For a few seconds, this was the entire world. No enemies, no fear or pain, no danger. Just this picture of three men I couldn’t imagine being
parted from.
“It’s late,” Zane said after a few seconds, over his shoulder, like he’d known I was there all along. “We’re
almost finished up in here.”
My voice sounded throaty and full of longing when I answered
“I guess we’d all better get to bed, then.”


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