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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta (Lanie Stanton) novel Chapter 224

Chapter 224
Within minutes of stepping out the front door, I’d felt the push of Xander trying to get to me through the mind link, but I’d closed it off immediately. I’d have to answer to him later, but right now, I needed my full attention for Rhiannon. I didn’t trust her, but…
F uck.
Fowed her.
She threw a glance over her shoulder at the cottage in the distance. Mind links didn’t rely on proximit work, but I’d let her take me into the trees because she said she needed the peace that radiated off the lea
Whatever the f uck that meant.
“Put your wolf away,” the witch said serenely as she tipped her face toward the sky and lifted her hands, palms up. She wiggled her fingers, then cracked an eye open at me. T’m sure your wolfy women find that animal stink a real turn-on, but I’d rather you put your teeth away.”
My canines hadn’t even dropped; she was just being snide. Still, I made a conscious effort at pushing my wolf into silence, even though he wanted to snap and snarl at her
“Ah, that’s better.” Rhiannon purred. I knew you were capable of submitting. You’re the Beta, after all.”
My fingernails cut into my palms with the effort I had to make not to show her just how f ucking
“submissive” I was.
She laughed. “Oh, my. You’re angry. You don’t like it when someone points out that you’re in second place. And especially now that there’s another Alpha in the mix. Poor Zane. I’ll be surprised if you don’t get totally
“You have no idea what you’re talking about, or how anything works, I didn’t come out here with you to educate you, either, so why don’t you just get to the point”
A tendril of thought probed at the mind link I’d been careful to close off. I couldn’t tell if it was Xander or Lanie without opening up, so I renewed the force it took to block them. I expected Xander to burst out of the cottage to find me when he couldn’t get through my head, but although I sensed faint movement inside past the kitchen windows, nobody came out.
Rhiannon looked past my shoulder to the cottage. Her smile was sly. “Chit-chatting with your brains again? Don’t you know it’s rude not to share the conversation with everyone?”
“What the f uck is wrong with you?” I kept my voice even, measured, but bitterness coated every word. I unpeeled my fingers from the fists. “I came out here with you, so just get to it, okay? I know I owe you for your
“You’re not going to back out?” Rhiannon looked genuinely surprised. She put her her hands on her hips,
denting the fabric of her dress.
felt confident enough to poke me a few minutes ago, but at the sight of my wolf rising, the witch took a hasty step back. High color rose in her cheeks. She put a hand flat on her chest over her heart, fingers splayed on her throat as her shoulders heaved.
She was afraid and, based on the way her nostrils flared and her lip curled back, more than a little disgusted. Which made what she’d told me she wanted from me make even less sense.
“You hate me, and our kind,” I said in a low voice as another soft surge of pressure tickled the mind link. “You’ve made that abundantly clear. So why are you asking this of me?”
Her chin went up, and her hands balled into fists on her hips. “I don’t have to tell you a thing. All you need to know is that I gave you what you asked for, to save your precious Luna, and that means that you owe me And let me warn you, wolf, those who back out on a vow they’ve made to a witch only live so they can be m to regret it.”
I shook my head. “I’m not going to back out, Rhiannon. Whatever you might think about us, I made you a promise in exchange for that invisibility potion, and I intend to keep it.”
“You’re going to ruin your relationships with them,” she pointed out in a low tone. Her gaze turned curious. “You don’t care about that?”
It was getting harder to keep the mind link closed. Three different voices were trying to get in, but all of them one at a time and separate. That meant Mason could reach me on his own, but I didn’t have time to figure out what that all meant.
“I care,” I told her. “But without you, Lanie and the pups might all be dead. If you really want me to give you what you asked for, I’ll do it. My mate and the others will have to understand.”
“And if they don’t?”
I shrugged, my expression and voice both grim. “I’ll find a way to make them.”
The witch drew herself up. “Fine. I’ll book a room at the Stillwood Inn. Meet me there Saturday night, and bring what I told you to bring.”
living room.
enough to wake the three infants
One by one, they started up a chorus of wailing. Gabriela hurried from the room to calm them.
“Xander- Zane held up his hands, but Xander wasn’t having it. He tossed away his Beta’s attempt at a grip, his own big fists clenching.
Mason stepped between them, a hand on each of their chests. “Calm the f uck down. Xander, step back, or I’ll have to make you step back. Zane, you too.”
Zane shook his head, panting and fists clenching, as his wolf glared out of his eyes. Xander snarled and whirled to give us all his back, then stalked to the other side of the kitchen.
I wasn’t sure what to say or how to react.
“Please, explain this to me. To us,” I added quietly When Zane only shook his head without looking at me, I stepped in front of him. “Zane. You have to tell us what’s going on. We’re your mates. Your pack.”
Zane raked both hands through his hair, standing it on end. He took in a long, slow breath, visibly forcing himself to calm down. When I touched his arm, he flinched. My stomach sunk.
“Do you.. you can’t have… feelings…?” I began haltingly, not sure I could even say the words out loud without puking.
His eyes flew open wide even as Xander growled and tossed over a chair. Mason picked it up and put out a hand to hold Xander back, but he didn’t say anything.
Zane pulled me against him in a hug that pressed my face against his chest. I closed my eyes, letting him hold me for the few seconds before he gently pushed me back far enough to look into my eyes.
“I could never have romantic feelings for her, and I would never, ever betray you or Xander like that, Lanie.”
Relief soared through me. I shook my head, my throat closing with the rush of emotion. “I didn’t think so
She asked you to do this because of the potion, right? You have to do what she asked.”


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