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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta (Lanie Stanton) novel Chapter 237

Chapter 237
I was strong. Stronger than I’d ever been, even when compelled Orion. Stronger than I ever imagined!
could be.
Yet in that moment, I felt fragile as glass,
“I’m going to make sure nothing terrible happens to you,” I promised Zane with a hitch in my voice. “No permanent damage. But we have to work fast. You’ll need to prepare.”
“I’m going to make some coffee. If you all can get this table cleaned up and check on the babies, we come back to this fresh and lay out the plan.” Gabriela said all this briskly, and then she paused. Clear throat. The nod she gave me was completely respectful, which I appreciated. “If that’s acceptable to
We made short work in the kitchen and, amazingly, none of the children woke up. I sent up a prayer of
gratitude, and we all settled back at the table with cups of fresh, hot coffee and slices of cake. My hunger was
still there, in the background, but I still felt it.
“When Lanie gets the message that the goods have been delivered, she and I will go pick it up,” Xander
“Zane, you’ll be in no shape to come along. You’ll need to be fasting for the two days before you have to
meet her. From food, water, and sex. It’s going to suck,” I told him.
“You’ll feel like s hit,” Mason said.
“He’ll feel even worse once he takes the mixture,” Gabriela put in dryly. “I’ll be surprised if Rhiannon
doesn’t turn you away at the stink of you, after the hours you’ll have spent beforehand.”
Zane shuddered. ” F uck,”
“We’ll all be able to help you through it,” I told him. “But there’s no question, it is going to be rough.”
“Fine, so you and Xander will get the stuff. Any idea of when? We’re on this tight turnaround,” Mason said.
I’d checked my messages while they cleaned the kitchen. “I should hear within the hour.”
“And there’s no way any of this is traceable to you?” Xander demanded. “Nobody’s going to show up ready to drag you off to jail or anything?”
“Surprisingly, or
v, or not, there are a lot worse things on the dark web than me buying synthetic herbs,” I told him with a small smile. “And this will give us our time together, my love. I know it won’t be like a romantic getaway, but we will be together.”
“When this is all squared away, when we aren’t worrying from one minute to the next about a f ucking war, I am going to take you away on a romantic weekend. Someplace warm and tropical, with white sands and
“I want in on that action,” Mason interjected, and I laughed, realizing we hadn’t been shielding ourselves
from the others.
“Me too,” Zane said aloud.
Gabriela shook her head but didn’t ask us what we were all discussing.
“Zane will take the potion early Saturday morning. It will start working within minutes, according to everything I’ve researched. He should be recovered enough from the initial…effects…to have his date with Rhiannon that night,” I said.
*Please don’t call it that,” Zane said with a grimace.
“Meeting.” I amended. “And here’s where it all becomes very important that you keep it all on the line. You will need to verify that she’s fertile and make sure she understands that this is a one-time offer, not som ongoing thing. She’s got one shot at it, and it’s on her to be sure the timing is exactly right.”
“It will become part of the binding spell,” Gabriela added, “If she agrees to the terms, she won’t be break them any more than you can, Brilliant, Lanie.”
I blushed. “The Goddess has truly been good to me.”
“And then what? L..do it with her?” Zane’s lip curled. “If she doesn’t get with pup, won’t she figure out I did
something to stop it?”
“She can never find out, and she will never find out,” I said adamantly. “And you won’t be able to accidentally let it slip, either, even if she tries to put a truth hex on you.”
Zane shook his head. “I doubt I can stand against a truth hex-”
I swallowed hard. Here was the part I’d kept secret until now. The most important part.
“You will tell her the truth as you know it, because you won’t remember anything else.”
“What, hold up. What do you mean, I won’t remember?” Zane shot out.
“It’s critical that you can’t let her know you’re not going to be able to get her pregnant, or else you’ll trigger that binding spell. She has to believe-and you have to believe-that you’re there to honor it. If you don’t, Zane, it will all fall apart. So part of the wolvesbane potion will include an aphrodisiac…and an amnesiac.”


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