Chapter 439
We moved through the human town, all of us tense and alert, but nobody there gave us any trouble. The port town attracted a lot of tourists, so even a small pack of supernaturals didn’t seem out of place. None of us even turned a head as we stopped in a cafe to pick up some breakfast.
“I’m ready to eat the table. Isn’t there some kind of magic Stella can cast to stop us from being hungry?” I growled under my breath to Lanie as she and I waited to pick up our order.
“She could feed us, but it would only be an illusion. Better to wait for real food, love.”
Lanie laughed, but her voice sounded a little strained. Her eyes kept finding our daughter, who was waiting to the side with her other fathers. I could see the worry etching lines in Lanie’s face, and I wanted to ask her what she and Stella had talked about earlier. It would have to wait until we were alone.
The server showed up with our paper bags of food. Stella stepped up and mimed swiping a credit card through the machine at the cash register. Even though I’d seen her doing amazing things, I was still not sure this was going to work…until it did.
“Wow,” the server said, blinking. Her grin spread across her entire face. “Thanks for the tip.”
We bustled out of there with our food, all of us eagerly tearing open the foil around our breakfast burritos and gobbling while we walked toward the docks where we’d board the yacht.
“Human towns smell…different,” Stella said, wrinkling her nose. She’d only nibbled at her burrito.
I scented the air, letting my wolf rise a bit. “I smell grease and breakfast meat. And coffee. And yeah. Humans. The smell kind of stale, like they could use a good, hard, run. How are we doing on time?”
“We’ll be there on time,” she said, barely pausing even though her vision went that weird cloudy gray that looked like it should make it hard for her to see where she was going.
I took the last bite of my burrito and crumpled the foil to toss into a nearby garbage can. I could see the water ahead of us.
Stella handed me her burrito. “I don’t want this. Will you eat it?”
“You need to eat something,” I scolded her, but didn’t push it. I took the burrito and bit into it.
The readers' comments on the novel: Mated to the Alpha and His Beta (Lanie Stanton)
Unreadable after chapter 300...
I don’t even know if I can continue attempting to read this anymore. It was so good but the past 10 chapters or so make zero sense. It’s practically unreadable. Just a bunch of jumbled words. Ugh...
Why is this book is not updating?...