Chapter 446
As soon as the boat landed, the fog wall went back up. I could see it behind us, but I couldn’t figure out the distance. It looked like it was inches away, and also miles at the same time.
The five of us stood on a narrow beach scattered with shells. They were all bone-white and worn. Here and there, I thought I caught a glance of what looked like skeletal remains also sticking out of the sand, but it was impossible to tell what kind of bones they were.
“It’s quiet,” Mason said. “Too fucking quiet.”
Even the sound of the waves crashing was dim and far away, like a radio with the volume turned down way too low. I went to the water’s edge and dipped my fingers in it, thinking of how hungry the water had felt on the boat. Now it was the land behind us that seemed like it was ready to eat us.
“We need to find shelter,” Xander said. “Stella needs to warm up. To rest. We need food.”
She shook her head. “Daddy, we won’t find anything like that here. We need to get into the trees before the High Council gets here, but…we aren’t going to find anything here that will help keep us alive.”
“Island of the Dead,” Lanie said softly. She shaded her eyes to look into the trees that lined the sandy shore. “Those trees aren’t even alive.”
“Nothing here can stay living for very long. The dead here, they…want us. They need us. We have to stay vigilant. Strong.” Stella drew in a long, deep breath. “I’m holding them off for now. I’ve got a bubble of protection around us.”
“How long can you keep that up?” Xander asked.
“Long enough.”
Lanie pulled Stella close to her side. “When the High Council gets here, will they be able to reach the island? They’ll be able to get through the fog?”
“Oh, yes. They’re all so angry, it fills them with…” Stella gestured. “Think of a juicy steak. Of how your mouth waters just thinking of it. That’s how the residents here feel and think about grand emotions. Love, hate, fear, anger. None of them can feel anything for themselves anymore. They lost the ability so long ago, all they can do is remember how being alive felt.”
I moved to the edge of the sand. The trees reached leafless branches toward a dull sky, bright enough to see by but without even a hint of sun, moon, or stars. The fog had made this place a tomb.
That seemed fitting.
“How long do we have?” I asked Stella.
She shook her head. “I can’t tell. The council members are fighting amongst themselves at every turn. The only thing they have in common is their desire to see us all dead.”
The readers' comments on the novel: Mated to the Alpha and His Beta (Lanie Stanton)
Unreadable after chapter 300...
I don’t even know if I can continue attempting to read this anymore. It was so good but the past 10 chapters or so make zero sense. It’s practically unreadable. Just a bunch of jumbled words. Ugh...
Why is this book is not updating?...