Chapter 472
Why I’d thought taking a pair of cranky twins shopping for clothes and shoes was going to be a good idea the day after an all-night party, I could never know, but I was definitely cursing myself for it within the first half an hour. Not only did Alaina and Isaac complain and literally drag their feet as we went from shop to shop, we couldn’t make it more than a few feet down the sidewalk without being stopped.
I’d thought people would be curious about and want to meet Stella, of course, but I hadn’t quite counted on how many people wanted the chance to get close to their new Luna. Sure, I’d technically been the Luna before we left, but it had been for such a short time, and there’d been all that mess and confusion with the assigned mating. Gabriela had been the Luna for Xander after his father gave over the leadership to him, and the pack had been used to her.
Well, now they had me. I hadn’t realized how exhausting it would be to smile and engage with everyone from the people passing on the street to the cashiers and sales staff in the shops, to other customers…by the time we got out of the final store and were heading toward the ice cream shop where I’d promised my cranky twins we’d get a treat, my face ached from forcing the smiles.
“Come on, you two. Settle down or else we’re going right back to the house, and it’ll be nothing but broccoli for you both.” I scolded, but there wasn’t much force in my words; I wanted ice cream, too.
We found a booth toward the back and, fortunately, once we ordered our giant ice cream sundaes with all the extra toppings…people left us alone in peace. The twins dug in right away, but Stella only nibbled at hers.
“You’ve been quiet all day. Was it too much for you, little star?” I kept my voice quiet, but the twins were so busy gobbling their sweet treat that they didn’t seem to be paying much attention to us.
She shook her head and licked the tip of her spoon. She’d chosen, not her usual vanilla or chocolate, but the more exotic black cherry chocolate alongside a scoop of butter pecan. Not a combination I thought I’d enjoy. I couldn’t tell if she was, either.
“People have been so nice. It’s just weird to feel them watching me all the time. Even if they’re not talking to me,” she said, then shrugged and dug her spoon deep into the ice cream. She took a bite and smiled. “Yum!”
She looked like an adult, but there was still so much childish joy in her that I had to smile back. I waved my spoon at her. “You didn’t get the chance to buy many new clothes.”
The twins had been so irritable that I’d had to keep my focus on them while leaving Stella to purchase her own items. Most of our packages had been sent on to the house so we didn’t have to carry them, but she had a few bags at her side. I leaned to take a peek into one, but it was so close to her that I couldn’t see what was in it.
The readers' comments on the novel: Mated to the Alpha and His Beta (Lanie Stanton)
Unreadable after chapter 300...
I don’t even know if I can continue attempting to read this anymore. It was so good but the past 10 chapters or so make zero sense. It’s practically unreadable. Just a bunch of jumbled words. Ugh...
Why is this book is not updating?...