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Mated To The King’s Gamma novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24

“I promise I will speak to Damian first,” Kyson tells me and I suck in a breath of relief.

“You go straight to Damian. I want your word. You won’t sneak off to your office. You won’t go look for her. Give me your word, Kyson, that you will go to him.” He was furious, but he also knew I was right. Damian was his calm place.

Those two were more like brothers who had some strange understanding. Kyson was like my brother, but those two were synced in some odd way, literally an extension of each other being raised like brothers side by side. Endured the same torment at the hands of his father. Damian was also the only one if I couldn’t talk him down that he usually could.

“Fine, just give me the drink,”

“I want to hear you say it?”

“I will go straight to Damian, okay,” I sigh before I relent and pass him the bottle. He takes it, and I don’t miss the tremble of his hands as he twists off the cap. Usually, that only happened the few times we tried to get him sober. It never lasted long before we gave up. His tremors would always be terrible, and we hated seeing him like that. The King was an alcoholic, everyone knew it, yet with Ivy, we saw hope because it was apparent he tried to not drink himself into a stupor with her.

I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I woke to Liam shaking me. I was still in the limo and jumped, startled, glancing around before realizing the King was no longer in the car with me.

“You wanna get inside? The King went on a warpath and had Ivy escorted out of the castle,”

“What?” I asked, scrambling to undo my seatbelt. When I fail, my claws slip out, and I slice it shoving past Liam and moving toward to door.

“What happened?” Liam asks, but I don’t have time to explain. “Is she safe? Did he hurt her?” I ask Liam, marching inside the castle.

“Her hand was busted up pretty badly,”

“He hurt her?” I snarl.

“Dustin said he didn’t intentionally. He is with her,” Liam tells me as I turn for the stairs to find Abbie screaming at the guard and Clarice trying to calm her down.

“Abbie, wait. Dustin won’t hurt her. They can’t hurt her,”

“She already is fucking hurt! I want to go with her. Let me fucking pass,” she growls, and I watch her eyes glow. What in the fucking madness was going on? I had never seen her raise her voice at anyone, but right now, she looked like a cornered animal about to attack. Clarice grips her arm, yanking her back when she tries to shove past the guard, who looked like he didn’t know what to do, but I knew if she got too loud, he would be forced to remove her from the castle.

“Liam!” | growl. This wasn’t something I had time for. It would be up to him to deal with her. Yet the moment I spoke the word, and she heard my voice, she turned to me. Relief floods her features, and she rushes over.

“Tell him to let me pass, the King.. he had them take her, Gannon,” she says, glaring back at the guard. She turns around to face me, and I press my lips in a line. Her eyes scrutinize my face for a second, and she takes a step back from me.


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