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Mated To The Ruthless Alpha King novel Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Alone With Damon Kalesto

"Don't you dare take another step further."

Damon's voice boomed off the walls and temporarily pinned Sarah's feet to the ground. Her heart nearly leaped through her chest. Damon was now up and ready to unleash his impending wrath. If she didn't run away now then she was surely going to get it. Her left foot just needed to slide a little bit further backwards and then she would've defied his orders. But despite the prominent urge to do, Sarah chose to do the opposite that would probably give her less pain.

She gulped thickly and willed her heart to slow down the pace of its beating before she took shaky steps forward and landed herself at the other far end of the table. Licking her lips, she drew out the chair and slowly took a seat but the moment her butt touched the wooden chair, Haguy and Trixie took a downcast glance at her. Sarah had no idea why, but their eyes were filled with hatred, pure hatred. Last night when they had their disagreements, it didn't look like they hated her all that much. They simply seemed to have been following Alexis's lead, but now, they obviously carried immense hatred for a reason that was unknown to her.

That didn't stop Sarah from starting a conversation though. "Hi!" She smiled at the girls awkwardly. "Where's your other friend?"

Truthfully, Sarah didn't care about Alexis's whereabouts, those words were simply the first to come to mind. Plus, the silence was heavily disturbing, talking about random things was her way of breaking it.

But to her embarrassment, none of the girls answered her question nor even had the decency to greet her. Sarah turned her eyes to Damon in silent expectancy. He hadn't even raised his head, not even when he commanded her not to leave the room. He was sitting forward in his seat, picking at his food as he stared down at the two plates of spaghetti in front of him.

Sarah frowned but didn't say anything. Nobody wanted to talk? Fine...She was more than capable of ignoring them too. She rose from her chair and slowly trudged over to the fridge. Sadly though, there wasn't any leftover food inside, so Sarah had to make do with a plate of cereal.

After readying her cereal, she moved back towards to her seat and sat down, settling the plate atop the table...It was that point in time when Haguy and Trixie got up from their seats, glared at her then left the dining room without another word...and it was also that same point in time when Damon finally rose his head to look at her.

Sarah shifted in her seat awkwardly, eyes casted towards her cereal. A few seconds of silence passed before she heard the sound of his chair scraping against the floor. Her eyes rose upwards to see Damon rising from his seat with one of two plates of food in his hand.

Sarah couldn't even sit still with all the anticipation she had developed from just his presence, so when he abruptly stood up and approached her, one could only imagine how she must've felt.

Each step he took sent another wave of dread through her being. Sarah didn't know what to do in her current situation. He didn't seem to be as angry as he was last night, but he did seem a little grumpy. Now that the girls were gone, perhaps he was now ready to do his worst...who's to tell?

But unbeknownst to her, Damon had no intention of hurting her.

'I'll deal with her later'

Those words of his didn't mean the same thing that Sarah thought it meant. He wasn't planning on hitting her, he simply wanted to hold a very serious conversation. There were some things he wanted to ask...a lot of things. At the time, his wording was undeniably misleading, however, it was because he was accustomed to wording things in that particular way....But Sarah had absolutely no knowledge of that.

When he drew out a chair...she tensed.

Alone With Damon Kalesto 1


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