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Mates But Enemies novel Chapter 24

Nadia's POV.

As soon as he left, I tried communicating with the person within me once again but in as much as I tried, she wasn't replying. It was as if she wasn't there in the first place, I felt thirsty and ordered for a coffee from my secretary as I went on working not bothering myself it her again. If she wasn't there then it's all good, I made myself understand and waited for the drink. She brought it in a few minutes later and I felt I needed a cold drink instead of a hot one. I brought the drink to my lips and it turned from hot to cold slowly, it shocked me greatly so it slipped from my hands. The secretary was shocked as well and immediately apologized but I told her to let it go and that it wasn't her fault. She left the office looking down maybe I should have clarified it more.

I looked down my palms confused, and questioned myself,

“Since when have I had powers? and I can change from hot to cold?”

To satisfy my curiosity, I got up and went to my washroom. I turned on the pipe and it was mild hot so I wanted it to turn from that temperature to iced water. Then just as before, frozen water poured from the tap, frightened I moved back from the tap. I watched it pouring continuously, I moved closer and touched the tap to go back to the normal temperature and as if the frozen water never existed it went back to normal. I went out of the room sweating even in the air conditioned room, my mind was breaking into pieces. I wasn't understanding anything, no matter how much I thought about it, it landed on the day Logan hurt me on the arm and it turned into a tattoo. I removed the coat and looked at the tattoo, I swept my palm on it and it changed into another shape. It was a lie if I said I wasn't afraid of what was happening and I wanted to cool my head. I was about to leave the room when I heard my phone ringing, I picked it and saw it was my mom calling. I answered and heard her voice panicky then I asked,

“Mom, what's the problem? what happened?”

Then she answered,

“Leo is a werewolf. ”

I was confused and couldn't understand so I asked again,

“Mom what did you say is the problem?”

Then She replied,

“Your son Leo just turned into a werewolf. I argued just a little with him and he turned into a werewolf. ”

I was greatly shocked so I shouted,


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