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Mates But Enemies novel Chapter 44

She fought among the men as they all came at her she blocked them perfectly. A man stood on the balcony and watched him, his eyes were lit with lust. A woman walked out of the room behind him and held his waist.

He shrugged him off and turned to glare at her, his claws grew out and he held her neck angrily. She whimpered in front of him and he threw her on the floor and shouted in a deadly voice,

“Get out of my sight, are you trying to claim me? You bitch never try that again or you will see your arms lying in front of you. ”

She scampered away in tears as she clawed on the floor and entered the room. A smirk played on his lips and he felt happy he had that dominion on the lady.

He turned back to look the lady who was fighting but found her no where. He stomped out from the place angrily and rushed out of the room in search of the lady. And when he got to her, he looked down at her in disdain and said,

“You should get ready we will be travelling to my kingdom today. And don't let me meet you when I am back unready. ”

She watched him as he walked out of the room as she sat in front of the mirror looking at the sores on her body.

Hot tears dropped out of her eyes to her beautiful oval face, she looked at the bracelet on wrist and held it. Then she whispered to herself,

“Why must my mate be so cruel to me? I was a princess and now I have become a slave to love. I really hope he never makes it to being the king of his kingdom otherwise, his behavior would worsen. I pray. ”

The man walked down the hall and anyone that saw him bowed down afraid instead of out of respect. He made his way to the pack house and saw another lady dancing with the cubs. He watched her and licked his lips lustily as she swung her waist while dancing.


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