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Mates with Alpha Maddox novel Chapter 54

Maddox POV

I had been going crazy trying to find the killer when Garret appears looking distressed.

"What happened?" I ask him in my authoritative voice.

"I-I we need to find the Luna" He says breathlessly.

"Why? What happened?" I ask, immediately giving him my full attention.

"Just....Keep an eye on her. It's for the best" he mumbles.

"What are you not telling me?" I growl.

"Just please go keep an eye on your mate or give me permission to stay with her" Garret insists.

I glare at him but make my way to the infirmary nonetheless.

When I get there everything is a wreck.

The first thing that comes to mind is that the killer attacked again but upon closer inspection I see that everyone is alive just really badly hurt.

The 13 people that were in the building at the moment were unconscious on the floor, but thankfully breathing.

I walk towards Jayda's hospital bed and see that she isn't there. The straps that were holding her down broken.

I shake awake a nurse that was on the floor.

"Where the hell is my mate?" i growl.

He stares at me for a few seconds until his eyes widen and he starts stuttering "T-The Luna a-attacked e-everyone. S-She has a crazy look in her eyes and She was too s-strong fo-r us to overpower her"

I stare at him "You are fucking telling me a heavily pregnant woman with an injured shoulder and drugged on tranquilizers over powered 13 fully capable werewolves?"

He nods shamefully.

"Where the hell did she go?" I seethe

" I don't know" he winces.

Cursing to myself I walk out of the infirmary and try to find Jayda's scent.

When I finally catch her scent I run towards it.

I find Jayda in the middle of a clearing just talking to herself.

Not just the normal talking to herself she is actually having an argument of some sort with herself.

She then does does something that makes my blood run cold.

She takes a knife that I hadn't noticed she was holding and puts it up to her stomach she then frowns and takes the knife away.

I Start approaching her slowly, not wanting to scare her and thinking she realized that what she wanted to do was a bad idea.

But then she brings the knife to her neck and I start running, my heart beating fast.

When I reach her I snatch the knife away from her.

Jayda's unfocused eyes land on my face.

"Maddox, you told me to end it. Please let me end it. Its for the best" she mumbles over and over again.

"Jayda what the fuck where you thinking? You were going to kill yourself? What about our pups?" I yell, and try to shake some sense into her.

She rolls her eyes "I am not pregnant Maddox" She pokes her round stomach "See? No baby here"

"You are pregnant! But what about me, you were going to leave me?" I ask, my throat closing up at the thought of what could have happened.

She taps my head "It's okay Maddox, like you said. You will have Anna. And I am alright with that. I realized the problem I caused you two. Now please hand me back my knife so I can be happy"

"Are you fucking crazy?" I growl and start dragging her to Nikki's house.

I knock loudly until Luke opens the door.

As soon as he sees its me he relaxes.

"What happened?" he asks.

"You and Nikki watch her, she has been trying to kill herself I don't know why. She has gone insane. All I need you to do is to watch her until I get back. Tie her up if you need to" And with that I leave.

I needed to talk to Garret and figure out how he knew.

Garrets POV

I walk into the cellars in look of Marco. I had to talk to him about everything.

"Have you seen Xavier?" i ask him as soon as I know no one is listening.

"Yeah, he was here a while ago. Little fuckers decreased security on the cellars to secure the rest of the place" Marco mocks.

I scowl "Don't say that! They are my pack!"

Marco smirks "Who you betrayed"

"What could I do? Xavier is my mate! I have to be with him!" I defend.

"I'm not judging, I'm just as bad. I pretended to be Jayda's friend just so no one would suspect. They still did" He snorts.

"You should have seen that coming" I shrug.

"Well who cares Garret, even if it didn't. Jayda is about to die soon" He says nonchalantly.

I freeze "What? The Luna? You can't hurt the Luna"

"Jeez, Calm down. Xavier knew how adamant you were on him not hurting the Luna and since he loves you so much he decided to make her do it herself" Marco says.

"What do you mean?" I ask carefully.


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