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Meant to Marry Me: Nashville Country Dreams Part 1 novel Chapter 1

The log cabin was bigger than Bree Matthews had expected. Of course, when her friends had suggested they rent a place up in the mountains for a few days during winter break, she knew it would have to have a lot of rooms in order for all of them to comfortably fit, but this place looked more like a mansion made of wooden beams than a traditional log cabin.

"Woah! This place is massive!" Bree's boyfriend, Jason Owens, said as he stared up at the house.

"You're telling me." It was nighttime, and due to Jason's classes ending later than most everyone else's, they were likely the last to arrive. After a long day in school and a three hour drive, she was ready to get inside, see friends from high school she hadn't seen in a long time, and maybe have a drink or two.

"Let's go!" Jason said, bounding up the steps. “I need a beer like nobody’s business.”

Snow lined either side of the pathway, but the walkway looked clear. Bree grabbed her suitcase and followed behind him, hoping there wasn't any ice--and wishing he would've taken the bag for her. It wasn't like Jason to think of something like that, though, and she was tired of always reminding him to be a gentleman. So she took it up herself.

When they reached the door, he threw it open without knocking. Bree prayed this was actually the right place. "Hey! Someone order a party animal?" Jason announced stepping inside.

Thankfully, Bree recognized the loud, squeaky laugh of her best friend from high school, Nora Phillips. She was the only one who had ever even met Jason before since she'd visited Bree a few times at college. The rest of the gang saw her and realized who he must be, and everyone jumped up to tell her hello and meet her new flame.

"Bree!" Nora said, a wine cooler in her hand. "Thank goodness you're here. We were thinking about sending out a search and rescue party."

Bree giggled and hugged her. "We hit some snow on the west side of Lexington," she explained. "It slowed us down."

"You? Since when is Bree Matthews afraid to drive on a little snow?" another friend, Abby Quinton, said, also hugging Bree.

"I wasn't driving," Bree replied, trying not to roll her eyes.

"Well, we're so glad you're here. Christy is about to fall asleep."

"I am not." Christy Rice stumbled backward into the arm of the couch. "Okay, maybe." She was a tiny girl, and by the looks of it, she'd had one too many drinks. Bree stepped over and embraced her.

"It's nice to see you, girl. How's Tennessee State?" Bree asked.

"Ugh. Let's just say… D is for diploma." She took another drink of her beer. "Oh, Bree. This is my boyfriend--Devon Stahl. Devon, this is Bree. I know she's beautiful but hands off!"

"Please, babe. You know I only have eyes for you."

Devon, who had to be at least six foot five, unfolded himself from the couch and wrapped his arms around Bree. "How's it goin'?"

"Don't!" Christy shouted.

Bree laughed nervously. Jason was across the room, already chummy with some of the other guys. "Very funny. Nice to meet you Devon." She excused herself and was promptly introduced to Abby's boyfriend, Ed Thorton, and Nora's date, who wasn't her boyfriend--yet--a sweet, but shy guy with red hair named Flint Vance.

"Where's everyone else?" Bree asked, once she'd introduced Jason.

"Playing pool," Christy said, practically falling into Devon's lap. "You guys should go check out your room."

"I had to save it for you." Abby's eyes bulged. "I tried to tell Grant's girlfriend that because they didn't pay as much, they couldn't have one of the rooms with the ensuite bathroom, but she was being such a--"


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