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Meant to Marry Me: Nashville Country Dreams Part 1 novel Chapter 18

Sitting down at her laptop, Bree did a quick search for a getaway she might be able to fit into her schedule while she had the week off. The more she thought about going to the beach, the better it sounded. How long had it been since she had a real vacation? The cabin trip back in college definitely didn’t count. She imagined herself sitting by the ocean, sipping a drink, letting her toes sift the sand as seagulls circled overhead and the sound of the waves soothed her to sleep.

“That’s it… I’m going to the beach!” Bree decided, doing a quick search for last minute getaways. She was browsing through available hotels in Key West when her phone rang. She considered ignoring it so that she could continue her search, but then she glanced over and saw that it was Lilly, her ex-college roommate. She hadn’t spoken to her in weeks, though they’d been doing a better job of staying caught up than they had right out of college. Bree quickly swiped to answer. “Hello?”

“Hey, girl. How are you?” Lilly asked. “How’s life treating you?”

Right away, Bree could tell that something was wrong. “I’m good, really good, Lill. How are you?”

Her friend groaned. “I’m okay. Things could be better.”

“Oh, no. Is it your sister’s wedding again?” A few weeks back, Lilly had called and told her she was running around like a crazy person trying to get her sister’s wedding plans finalized. Monica was getting married, and Lilly was the maid of honor, which meant she was responsible for a lot of the details. Monica and Lilly were very close, but from the sound of it, her sister was a little bit of a bridezilla. Lilly had vented for an hour about how upset her sister had been when she’d accidentally ordered the flowers wrong--not the wrong flowers, but hadn’t said something as specific as her sister wanted. “This is why they make wedding planners,” Bree had reminded her, and Lilly had said she was many things, but that was not one of them.

“Yeah, it is her wedding,” Lilly admitted. “Bree, I have a huge problem, and I don’t know what to do about it.”

“That doesn’t sound good.” Bree took a deep breath, preparing to try to help the girl who had always been so kind to her. “What is it?”

“Well, you see, my sister really likes country music, so she asked me to hire this local singer who does a lot of weddings in Gulf Shores. I called her months ago and thought we had it all worked out. I even put a down payment on the booking from my own money to make sure she had availability.”

“Yeah?” Bree asked, wondering if this was going to go from a vent to the asking of a favor.

“Well, I called her to confirm this afternoon, and somehow, she ended up writing it down on her calendar wrong. She insists I told her the wedding was June 28, but it’s not. It’s next Saturday, June 18. I know what I said!”

“Oh, no, Lill. That’s terrible! Is she going to give you your deposit back?”

“Nope, huh uh. She says it wasn’t her fault, and if I want my $500 back, I’m going to have to sue her.”

Bree shook her head. “That’s a huge amount of money for a down payment.” She’d never gotten that much for a wedding, let alone just the deposit. She’d only be playing one, maybe two songs after all. “Who was it? Martina McBride?”

“No, her name is Mila Lune. Have you heard of her?”

“I can’t say that I have,” Bree admitted. “Has she released anything?”

“I don’t think so. I don’t know. She’s popular in Alabama.”

“That’s good… for her. Gosh, Lilly, what are you going to do? Your sister must be furious.”

“I’m sure she would be… if I had told her.”

Holding back a chuckle, Bree said, “Yeah, I guess that would be one way to keep her from getting mad.”

“You don’t understand, Bree. I love my sister so much! But she’s a nut when she’s like this. She’s insane! She makes those ladies on that show Bridezillas look like perfectly rational human beings.”

“I wish I knew what to say, Lilly, but I don’t know any musicians in Gulf Shores, Alabama.”

“I know, sweetie. That’s not why I called you.”

“Oh, you just wanted to vent?”

“No, I was thinking… maybe you know a singer in Nashville who could help me out.”

Bree started thinking of all the singers she knew who might be available on short notice and willing to go to Alabama to sing at a stranger’s wedding. “How many songs?”

“Just one--during the ceremony.”

“Uh, well, there are a couple of people who might be available. What date did you say? June 18?”


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