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Meant to Marry Me: Nashville Country Dreams Part 1 novel Chapter 46

The uncomfortable tension between the bride and groom permeated the entire dining room. Bree could feel a crawling in her skin that made every inch of her body itch. All she wanted to do was rip her skin off, but since that wouldn’t solve the problem, she did her best to ignore both of them, praying it would all be over soon, and she could get on a plane back to Nashville and never think about any of these people again.

Even the people who had no idea anything had happened between Monica and Trent could still feel the uneasiness around them. They were pretending to be fine, talking to each other. Monica would giggle every once in a while and touch his arm. But it was fake. It was a good thing she was trying to be a model and not an actress because she would’ve never made it as the latter.

Soft conversation filled the room from time to time, but for the most part, the jubilant party atmosphere that had surrounded the group all week was gone, replaced by confused expressions of people who wanted to know why they felt bad who had no explanation.

After dessert was served, a few of the older couples got up to dance. There was a quartet playing island music in the room, and they were very talented, but all Bree could think was that she needed to get out of that room. Now.

Hank made his move first, though. He was sitting closer to the door. He got up and nodded his goodbyes to a few people, completely ignoring the bride and groom. He looked briefly at Bree, but she felt like that was an accident. Then, he was gone.

And she was right behind him.

Bree didn’t say goodbye to anyone. She’d left her guitar locked up in one of the closets at the chapel, so all she had was her phone and her room key. While she wasn’t as fast as Hank, she was on a mission. She saw him veer off of the path toward the beach and followed right behind him, running a few steps, and grabbing him by the arm.

He must’ve known she was coming because he said, “What do you want, Bree?” before he even turned around.

“I don’t know. But… I couldn’t let you walk away by yourself.”

“Why not? You think I’m gonna go for a long dunk in the ocean?”

“No, but I know if anyone else in the whole world feels as shitty as I do right now, it’s you.”

That’s when he turned to look at her. An exasperated smile took over his face. “Yeah, I guess so.” Hank opened her arms, and she fell into them.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I told him. I’m sorry I told him, and it didn’t do either one of us any good.”

“Me, too,” Hank admitted. “I should've taken the pictures to him myself, but I was too afraid of losing him. Now, I know we’ll never be the same as we were before, but he doesn’t even seem to care.”

“He cares. Couldn’t you see the tension between them? He’s upset, but he doesn’t know what to do.”

“Honestly, I didn’t pay much attention to them at all.”

“The whole room could feel it,” she said. The two of them started walking again. The moonlight was beautiful out over the water, the soft waves lapping against the shore, but it was difficult to admire anything when Bree felt like the entire world was spiraling out of control.

“He wanted to talk to me, but I avoided him. I didn’t know what he wanted to say, but I expected it to be pretty ugly. Now, I’m guessing it wouldn't have been at all. How can he still let me stand up there next to him tomorrow after what I’ve done to him? Is he really some sort of saint or somethin’?”

“Hardly,” Bree replied, folding her arms. “No. I think he’s afraid of what everyone is going to think if he doesn’t go through with this. I don’t even think it’s the money. He’s afraid of the judgment. I think he’s always been a little afraid of what other people thought, a little more than you or I have been anyway.”


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