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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen novel Chapter 1166

For Luna, the immediate task at hand was to neutralize Laura—the ticking time bomb.


Upon returning upstairs via the elevator, Mia found herself accompanied by Timothy.

She cleared her throat before addressing him, "What transpired earlier was merely a staged act. Please don't overanalyze it."

Timothy's unwavering gaze met Mia's as he confessed, "Your actions may have been scripted, but mine were genuine."

Mia was momentarily surprised by Timothy's candor, remaining silent.

As she glanced toward the intensive care unit, Mia noticed Ginger seated by Laura's bedside, softly narrating from a storybook.

Meanwhile, Sage remained close by, quietly keeping watch over Laura's condition.

Witnessing this tender scene, Mia hesitated to interrupt them.

At this crucial moment, it seemed that Laura's deepest longing might have been to see Mia's children.

Just then, Heath stepped forward, his voice hushed as he relayed, "The update has been circulated. Mrs. Barrett Senior will be moved to a standard ward in a couple of days."

However, it wasn't Laura who would be relocated. It was someone else strategically chosen to lure Luna into their scheme.

Mia nodded in understanding. "That's good."

At that moment, Sage emerged with Ginger in tow. "Great-Grandma Laura has drifted off to sleep," Sage announced.

Mia affectionately tousled Sage and Ginger's hair, saying, "Well done. We'll visit again tomorrow."

Raising her gaze, Ginger announced, "I'm going to gather a bouquet of flowers for Great-Grandma Laura. It'll surely lift her spirits."

"With your blessings, Great-Grandma Laura will undoubtedly recover swiftly," Mia reassured her.

Checking the time, Mia noted, "It's getting late. We should leave."

"Wait a minute," Timothy interjected suddenly, his gaze fixed on Mia. "Since we're fully committed to this act, perhaps I should escort you home as well."

After a brief pause, Mia nodded in agreement. "Alright."

Sage remained silent, his expression solemn. He understood the gravity of their charade—after all, their main goal in coming back this time was to capture the individual responsible for harming Laura.

Chapter 1166 1

Chapter 1166 2


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