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Meeting You Was Fate novel Chapter 746

Audrey knew how excruciating a bone marrow extraction was. During her third year in college, she served as a volunteer. At that time, a patient who had leukemia matched her blood type. She immediately decided to donate her bone marrow, without any hesitation. It took her a whole week to recover from that procedure.

As a doctor, Audrey was fully accustomed to opening a patient's chest with a scalpel. She never felt queasy whenever she operated. However, when she was the one being operated on, she was frightened.

Milla felt nauseated as well. But as soon as she heard what had happened to Adrian, she bolted straight up. She had learned from Leo that Adrian was injected with some sort of bacteria. 'What the hell?' she wondered dubiously.

"Adrian was injected with bacteria? Who would do such a thing? How could that happen?" Anxious for some answers, Milla imploringly stared at Leo.

"Just take it as it is. I'm afraid that Adrian is in grave danger," Leo's face darkened as he said those words. The gentleness of his voice could not mask how nervous the man felt.

"I have to go to City A as soon as possible. I need to go and see Adrian." Milla felt a surge of dread in her system. Her face also went moderately pale.

She knew the kid because of her constant video chats with Mandy. Adrian always made sure to greet Milla whenever he stumbled upon those videos chat sessions. Somehow, the kid reminded Milla of the child she once had.

"I think it would be best if you stayed in this city for the time being. If the rumors are true, I can not begin to imagine the pain Mandy is currently going through. Going there would not change anything, Milla. So just stay here and wait for any kind of confirmation. Besides, they're just rumors. Who can tell if they are true?" Leo did his best to look at the situation rationally.

"Well, I cannot be as calm as you, Mr. Wen. I'm not cold-blooded! Adrian is an innocent kid. Who the hell would do such an atrocious thing to him? He could be dying for all we know! I don't care what you say. I have to go to City A tomorrow." Milla's mind was made up. She felt compelled to slap Leo, solely because of his indifference towards the situation.

"Wow, you do have a sharp tongue... Does it please you to speak to me in that tone?" Leo asked mockingly.

"My manner of speaking is none of your business. Let's just mind our own businesses, Leo. You go do what you want, and I'll do what I see fit," Milla retorted angrily.

She did not want to argue any further. Milla solemnly needed a break from Leo.

"Fine. I will come with you as soon as I am done with work. At this point, Adrian's physical exam report has not come out yet. I think we can go to the hospital and find out the results together." Leo took some time to come up with a decent reply. Usually, Leo worked up until midnight. He had always intended to sleep separately from Milla. However, given Milla's health, the man decided that it would be best if he looked after Milla even as they slept. After all, autumn could bring about some disease that could further upset Milla's condition.

Milla simply pouted and eagerly gazed unto Leo. Her silence seemed to air her agreement.

Leo's concession had finally resolved their argument. The lad actually seemed very amiable and understanding.

Milla's recent weight gain had dawned on her heavily. That extra five pounds had been pestering her thoughts lately. Ever since they got married, Leo always made sure that Milla ate only the most delicious food she wanted. In reality, the sudden swing in her weight should not be a surprise.


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