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Mistaken Identity novel Chapter 1

I could feel someone's eyes on me as I walk on Fifth Avenue. It was weird, every time I look around I saw a man with shades on his face. He was wearing jeans and a plaid T-shirt. Each time I turned around he had a newspaper in his hands. I know he was following me and it was making me upset.

I hate people staring at me and I hate unwanted attention.

Why would someone even want to follow me?

I am just an assistant secretary, nothing big.

I walk a few more steps and then look over my shoulder to see if he was still behind me and he was. Goddammit! Why can't he leave me alone? I don't know if I should be worried or irritated that a stranger was following closely behind me in shades. That's how most murders start on TV but this wasn't TV, this is real life. New York city is a very big place. I don't really know if he's following me. Maybe he was just going in the same direction but why were a sunglass and have a newspaper.

I start  thinking about it. Each moment he was reading a newspaper but he wasn't moving, he stops each time I stop. He is definitely following me.

I turned on my heel and walked straight up to him, stopping in front of him. I snatched the newspaper he was pretending to read right out of his hand. He seems surprised at my action but I knew he was following me, no doubt.

"Why are you following me?" He opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off by raising my hands. "Don't give me crap, I know you're following me. What do you want?" I demand as I look at him in eye or shades since his eyes weren't visible. I wish I could look in his eyes to see his reaction. The eye is the window of all things and this man window wasn't open. I look up and down at him trying to make out his body posture.

He is tall, probably 6'2, well-shaved, his cheeks browns were wonderfully shaped. His lips were slightly pink. His dark hair swept across his forehead. He has a mysterious look about him.

"People always say looks are everything, but I guess looks can be deceiving," my stalker said. I had the need to slap him in the head. How dare he insult me! He doesn't know anything about me. 

I continue looking at the mysterious man in front of me.

Who is he?

Why his he following me?

The questions just popping up in my head. It's not like, I want to find out anyways. The fewer persons in my life the better my life is and will be. I need no anyone in it to complicate things.

I raise my brows at my stalker and then said "Look, I don't know you and I don't want to. So do me a favor and stop stalking me, before I call the cops." I don't know if I'd go far as calling the police but maybe my words will ward him off me.

He began to laugh at what I said. I guess my words didn't affect him. "Calling the police won't help you in this decision. The police will be on my side after you're the one who is at fault here."

I look at him with my brows raised.

Me? Under fault. I can't remember doing anything against the law. "Look, you must have me mistaken with someone else. I've never done anything illegal before." I lied. In teen years, I did a lot of things illegal one of which was getting a fake ID but it wasn't anything major. Everyone gets fake ID these days, especially teens.


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