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Mistaken Identity novel Chapter 29

I looked down at the sleeping baby in his crib and smile. Never in my years would I ever imagine I'd be in this position. I was taking care of my sister's child and living in a house where the owner irresistible handsome, where the maid hated me but nevertheless, I was happy. I wasn't worry about food, nor was I worrying about life because being here was like my own little paradise. I don't mind looking after Henrique in fact taking care of him was far better than my job. I don't have to worry about waking up early in the morning although Henrique has his middle night dramas. I've gotten used to it. I'm prepared to be a mother, of course when the time was right. I'm happy here. I have gotten used to the surrounding. I no longer wake up to the New York's noise, I woke up to the sound of the sea. I loved the tranquility I felt when I was here. I love the fresh air. New York wasn't like this.

I brushed the hair off his face and bent to kiss him on his forehead. I turned and was frightened at what I saw.

Alexander was laying against the wall with his hands in his suit. He look wonderful and sexy. How long was he there for.

"Hey," I said stuttering.

"Hi," he said with a smirk.

"How long have you being there?" I asked still admiring him.

"Hmm..about three minutes. You're good with him." Alexander commented.

"Thanks." I said as I moved away from the crib and made it to the door where Alexander was.

"Where are you going?"

"Hmm..I'm thinking about having some ice-cream. What about you?" I said with a cheeky smile.

"Well, I'm free. You don't mind if I share that ice-cream would you?" he replied with a smirk.

"Hmm.." I cleared my throat. "Not at all."

We walked down to the kitchen with his hands on my back. Sparks where flying through me. You know the kind Werewolves feel when their mates are closed are when the touched yep. That's how I felt. Why did he had this effect on me. I've dated before hell I was engaged but not even Patrick made me feel like this no this was like current, like chemistry. Not even the elements felt this way. I'm certain.

He took out the ice-cream out the fridge and we went around the island and shared cherry chocolate chip ice-cream. I smiled at dip my spoon in bowl for the millionth time. I placed it in my mouth and savor the taste. I licked out the spoon with my tongue and continued eating my ice-cream in silence. Alexander was silent since we began to eat. I'd take looks at him and I'd spot him staring at me but as soon as he got catch he shifted his gazes and made it seem that he wasn't looking but I knew he was and the thought of him checking me out made me. I sighed in my ice-cream.

"Are you okay?" Alexander asked breaking the silence.

"Yes. Of course why wouldn't it be?" I said with a smile.

"I heard you sigh that's why."

"Oh, that? Don't pay it any mind. I sighed because if I was in New York right now. I'd probably be at work doing over time or watching a movie on my couch with Grey or Sleeping with Grey beside me." I said with a smile. I loved Grey.

"Oh. I see. Grey is your companion."

"Yep," I said popping the p.

"Cloudy can't seem to get over him. They're all over each other. She suppose to have some pups soon maybe in a week or two." He said with a smile. I knew he shared the same love for animals like me. Who doesn't like animals? They're so adorable.

"Yeah, I noticed that. The hit it off pretty fast." I said with a laugh.


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