Alex parked the car in the garage and We made our way up the stairs. I stopped to open my door and noticed Alex was right behind me. I turn around to look at him.
"Why are aren't you going to your room?" I asked him with my brows raised.
"Well being the gentleman I am. After a date I always drop the girl at her door." He said with a smirk.
"Oh really. That's nice then. Thanks for dinner, I really enjoyed it. I think we should do that again sometime Goodnight then." I said like a school girl in love. I was about to turn around when Alex pushed me on the door.
"Not so fast my dear." he said with a smirk on his face. I become lost in his emerald eyes and he in my grey ones. I look down at his lips. They looked kissable. Reading my thoughts Alex brought is head done and captured my lips with his. I didn't know what to do at first so I didn't respond but after a while I couldn't keep it in. I opened my mouth and he slipped his tongue in. We kissed each other with similar passion. I moaned in the kiss enjoying it. He smiled and pulled away.
"Now that's how you saw a goodnight." With that he walked away and entered his room without looking back. I gasped. He didn't just played me. He just played me. He kissed me and left. Not that I wanted him to stay or anything but come on! I deserve something better. I sighed and entered my room. I took off my dress, brushed my teeth and went to bed.
I'm currently in the kitchen making breakfast by myself. I was the only one up so early mainly because last night I didn't get any sleep. I kept waking up in the night all because one person was on my mind. I know it's weird what happen to the feisty girl I was the one that was cold and didn't let anyone in. I can honestly say that she has disappeared. I was letting Alex mend his way in my life. All the rules I had about not letting my heart get hurt. I've opened the way. I'm responding to his kisses and I can't help myself. All I do is think about him and I keep forgetting that taking care of Henrique is suppose to be my main priority but I'm falling. I'm falling hard and I'm not sure if he's gonna be there to catch me.
I was so lost in my thought that I didn't feel anyone coming close to me until I felt Alex around my waist. I turned around to see a fleshly shaved Alex. He smelt good, he bent his head and kiss me lightly on the lips then he pulled away.
"Good morning." He said smiling at me.
I automatically returned his smile. "Morning, you smell good." I said and nuzzle in his neck. He laughed and pulled away. I gave him a sad look.
"Wouldn't want my pancakes to burn now would I?" he said I remembered that I was making breakfast before he came. I quickly turned around and turned the pancakes.
Alex went and sat at the island. "How was your sleep last night?"
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