I laid back under the umbrella and took in the breeze from the ocean. One the most things I loved about being here was that the ocean air was refreshing and calm. I love watching the waves move in the ocean. The view was immaculate for an art piece. Since I've here, I tried my best to capture the surroundings. Being here in Los Angles was amusing. I loved it here I didn't want to leave.
Henrique is currently playing with his toy not too far from me. I obverse him as he place sand in the bucket. My heart was heavy. How could someone abandon him? He is a bundle of joy. The one question that I'm yet to know is why my sister left him here. Why did she abandon her child? Is something wrong with her? Or is she just plain mean. I really don't know. When we growing up, she was never a fan of children but she was never mean to them either. When we played dolly house, she always said she'd get married and have children. did her goal change? Maybe. After receiving the letter from the model agency she was a completely different person. She become conceited. Never gave a damn. She even slept with my fiancé. I really don't know what she's capable of anymore. Can she love anyone? Does she love anyone? Clearly not because if she did, she wouldn't have left her first child, if he was her first child anyways.
I sigh and close my eyes. I was tired. Henrique hasn't take any nap since this morning and he looked so energetic like he doesn't planning on having any. I tried fighting the sleep that was coming on me but it seem so impossible. I closed my eyes for a second. Only one second. Nothing is going to go wrong in one second.
I heard Henrique let out a giggle. I quickly opened my eyes. I looked with sleepy eyes at him. he was looking at me smiling. Why was he smiling? I lazily returned his smile but soon founded my eyes falling back down. He looked perfectly fine to me. He was still at his bucket close to me and far from the water. He was fine.
Two seconds after closing my eyes I felt something warm on my neck. I let out a scream. I was so frighten I end up falling off the chair. My heart was literally out of my chest. I was frightened out of my mind. Who the hell did that? I turned around quickly to see Alex holding his stomach and trying hard not to laugh.
So he's the intruder. "Why would you do that? You scared the hell out of me" I said to Alex with an angry tone. I was completely serious. My heart was still beating fast that the outbreak. It was not every day I have people frightening me and the worst part was my neck. Since I'm tickled, my neck was one place I protect.
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