"What kind of trouble do we have?" I asked.
"Well, you see you happen to be the aunt of my brother," he said and I rose my brows and he continued. "Your 'surposidly' twin sister had a child for my father, I told you this earlier"
"Hmm, yes you did. But I don't understand why am I in all this?" I asked because I really needed the answer. How does it child concern me? It's their responsibility.
He laughed and I flinched. "Now that's where you come in all this." I waited until he continued. "Your sister left the child at my office and disappeared. I don't know how to take care of a care because I've never had one before. I tried searching for your sister but I end up meeting you."
I still didn't get how I came in all this. "What do you need me for?"
"For a girl who got a honors diploma, you're really slow," he said. I got angry that second. How dare he insult me in my own apartment? This man was getting on my nerves. "You'll be the one taking care of the child until we find his mother."
"I'll be doing what? Did you say taking care of the child? Because if you did, you're wrong. I don't have a child and I don't know how to take care of one." I gave him back the same response he gave me.
"Well news flash Ms. Bisson. I can make your life hell, if you don't comply. Haven't I sure you how bad i can make it earlier today? Or do you need more proof? Perhaps I should call some of my friends at the employment agency?" I look at him in utter disbelieve. The things people can do when they have money. It amazes me how corrupt this world is.
"Are you threatening me? Mr. Carter is looks like you're blind. Look around, my life is already hell. It can't get worse than this." I assured him. My life was already hell. I lived in the slumps of New York and I was a secretary, most of my salary goes in expenses and bills. My life was already like hell.
"Trust me, Ms. Bisson it can get worse. Now I didn't come here to argue. It's either you come with me or you lose everything and I mean, everything." I flinched at his words. The tears were holding back themselves. I will not cry in front this man. I will not. I'm stronger than this. I am. I stand there for three minutes until I spoke.
"What do I get from all this? I mean when you find Alliyah, what do I get? I won't take care of him if i can't see that I'm secure in return. Nothing is free in life." What I'm saying is true. I know he's my nephew and all but he's still not my child. He's the child of the woman who hurt me, beyond forgiveness. She's the woman who I grew up. She's the woman who used to be my friend. She's the woman who is no longer my sister.
"Well, agreeing to come with me, you get a monthly salary three times your old one and when we find your sister, you'll receive a million dollars to continue your life and won't have to see anyone of us again."
I stand there deciding if I should take this deal, yes it was too good to be true. I needed the money. I need some new cloths and a new apartment. One million dollars could do a lot for a girl like me. I could finally live a life without worry of what i will eat tomorrow. I can open my own art gallery with a million dollar.
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