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Mistaken Identity novel Chapter 66

Kalliyah POV

When I opened my eyes, Alex was looking at me with a smile on his face. I return his smile not saying anything. The moment was just too perfect to be ruin by words. Although I'm curious to know how long he has being staring at me for. I still can't believe what happened last night. Alex and I made love for the first time and it was beyond beautiful. The passion as all the emotions he showed were surpassing. It felt like he took me to heaven and back.

We continued to stare at eye other smiling until Alex decides to break the silence.

"How are you feeling?"

I look up at him and grin. "Amazing."

He smile, "Me too." He came forward and press his lips to my forehead then he start moving to my cheeks finally landing on my lips. I readily accepted his sweet and tender kiss. I pull him closer to me by tugging at his shirt.

After he pulled away, I blush and turn my head.

"Why are you hiding?"

"Well for one, I can't believe you just kissed me and I have a bad morning breath." He laughed and brought his nose to my mouth. I rolled my eyes as he smell my breath.

"Seems fine to me." I laugh.

"Well, thank you dear but I can't say the same for you." His smile immediately went away and turn into a growl instead. I laugh, "I'm joking babe. Gosh, You take things too serious. You need to lighten up at little. Have a little more faith in me, love. I wouldn't hurt my baby's feeling like that."

"I love it when you call me your baby but it's make me feel less superficial. I want you to call me your man instead because it has more power to it. You know when a girl approaches me, I want you to look at her with your grey eyes darken and say. "Bitch he's my man, now get lost." "

I laugh at his fail attempt of my voice. "I don't sound like that."

"Well, that's the best I can do. I want you to be a possessive girl friend, not too possessive though. If you were we'd never get the end of it because they will always be women looking at me. After all, I'm dead drop gracious."

I roll my eyes at him, "Well make sure while those girl look at you, you keep your eyes shut or else you might not have them again."

Chapter 66  I promise 1

Chapter 66  I promise 2


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