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Mistress novel Chapter 62

Author's p.o.v

Sehreyar is in his home office and very busy with some business matter. He is continuously checking some papers and looking worried.

He called someone and started talking about some business matter. He is still talking when his dadi entered the room silently.

Looking at her face, Sehreyar understood that she is here to talk with him. Sehreyar finished his talking and stuffed the phone inside his pocket.

" What brings you here, Dadi? Sehreyar asked suspiciously.

His Dadi replied dramatically with her fake sad voice," From the moment you have found that girl you have forgotten that you have also a grandma. Sometimes spend some times with me as well."

Sehreyar clearly understood the taunting and decided to ignore it. He knew that if he started talking about Meher again then there will be a clash between him and his grandma.

" Why are you here? You didn't tell me yet," Sehreyar asked his grandma with a slightly annoying voice.

Sehreyar Dadi replied," I have something to show you."

Saying that she took out some photos and walked towards Sehreyar. She gave him the photo having a satisfied look.

Sehreyar took the photos and looked at them with his curious eyes. His eyes became widened seeing the photos. He is surprised to see the photos.

In these photos, Meher is talking with Rehaan. Their facial expression is tensed like they are fighting over something.

" See, what's your wife is doing? She is cheating with you," Sehreyar's Dadi whispered in Sehreyar's ear.

Sehreyar is silent. He is just looking at the photo when his Dadi continued saying," She is still involved with this man. She is married to you. But, still, she is talking with another man. Do you understand the meaning of all this?"

Sehreyar looked at his Dadi with his neutral expression but said nothing. Then, his Dadi again said," This girl isn't right for you. She is a slut. She is cheating with you."

This time, Sehreyar walked towards his drawer and took out a lighter. He simply lit it and burned the photos.

Everything happened so quickly that Sehreyar's Dadi didn't understand anything. She yelled loudly," Hey, what are you doing?"

Sehreyar discarded the ashes inside the bin and snapped at his grandma," When you will stop your planning and scheming against my wife?"

" Sehreyar, I just wan............" His Dadi couldn't finish her talking when Sehreyar showed his palm to stop her from saying.

He angrily said," I don't believe any of your rubbish talking. You have manipulated me enough. You can't manipulate me anymore."

" I want good for you. That's why I am showing the truth. That girl is not right for you," Sehreyar's Dadi yelled at the top of her lungs.

Sehreyar gritted his teeth in anger and snarled at her," I know how much good you want for me. I haven't forgotten how you manipulated me to kill my own child. I haven't forgotten how you threatened Meher and tried to harm my son. You are a pathetic woman."

" Sehreyar!!!" His Dadi yelled loudly making an angry face. She can't believe Sehreyar is talking with her like that just for Meher.

Then, Sehreyar declared," I will never doubt Meher. I know how much pure she is. You can't manipulate me anymore."

Sehreyar's Dadi is going to say something when Sehreyar held her wrist tightly and dragged her towards the door.

Before she could react, Sehreyar threw her out from his office room and ordered," I will come out f this room after one hour. I don't want to see you again in this house. I want you to return to your village home."

" How can you talk like that with me? I am your grandma. Your only guardian," His Dadi asked with disbelief.

Sehreyar said with his pissed off voice," You have lost your every respect in front of me that day while you were planning to kill my wife. I have given you enough chance to mend your ways with Meher but you didn't value those chances. So, it's time to remove you from my life."

Saying that he shut the door in a very insulting manner. Sehreyar's Dadi banged the door several times to talk with him but he didn't open the door not he said anything.

Without finding any other way, she decided to leave this house. She has understood that Sehreyar isn't her puppet anymore and she can't control him anymore.

At Somewhere else

Rehaan is in his office and doing something on his laptop. His eyes are glued to the laptop screen. But, his mind is totally occupied by Meher. He can't forget how Meher rejected him. It has hurt his ego badly.

He is too much angry because another woman rejected her. His ex-wife left him as she was having an affair with another man. And, now Meher has rejected him because of Sehreyar. He is angry at Meher beyond the level.

Rehaan is still working when a servant entered the room with a cup of coffee for Rehaan. Looking at Rehaan's face, the servant understood that he is too much angry.

" Sir, your coffee," the servant said politely and tried to place it on the table. But, a little coffee dropped on the table.

Rehaan noticed it and yelled loudly," ek bhi kam dhang sey nehi kar sakte kya( Can't you do any work properly?)

" I am sorry, Sir," the servant apologised but Rehaan is unleashing his anger in this poor servant.

Rehaan yelled loudly," You are fired. Just get lost from here."

" Please, Sir. Don't be so cruel. Don't fire me," The servant pleaded but Rehaan is becoming irritated hearing the servant's pleading.

Chapter 62: Alternate chapter 50- The planning 1

Chapter 62: Alternate chapter 50- The planning 2


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