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Mom, Please Marry Daddy novel Chapter 160

Charles didn't know what his father and mother would think if they knew his identity. Although he grew up in the Heavenly Wolf Pavilion, Emily had never thought of letting Charles being like this.

Looking into Charles' eyes, James asked, "Do you want to abandon the title of the young master?"

"No, I won't." As Charles spoke, all of them were shocked by his persistence.

"Only by standing higher can you protect what you want to protect. And only with the corresponding strength can you fight against those demons and monsters." Charles was sure about that as he grew up in the Heavenly Wolf Pavilion.

Even if his mommy didn't understand him and his daddy didn't agree with him, he would stick to his way and protect what he wanted to protect in his own way.

What Charles said surprised everyone in the car. They always liked him. They liked not only his sharp tongue, but also his temperament as a leader.

James patted Charles' head. He always knew that even if he didn't drag Charles into the Heavenly Shadow, Charles would definitely get into such a world.

It didn't mean that Charles couldn't live in the sunshine, but in the light, the challenge was too small for him. The thrill in the dark night was most suitable for him in nature. James had a hunch that Charles would stand at the top of the world sooner or later.

"There are two groups of people who are likely to help us in the dark when we took action," said Moore, after he saw that Charles had calmed down. There were finally some people giving kindness to them, even though they had already settled the problem without any help.

"Oh, it's interesting. Who?" Asked James.

"One of them is the Heavenly Rasetsu, and the other one must be the Power With Ease." Said Moore.

"Power With Ease?" Hearing that, James was stunned.

James knew about it. The organization had always been quiet, and there had been no fights or business deals. He only heard of the name and had no idea what it was. It was colorless tasteless and almost white, but its existence could not be ignored. Even a courier who you could always meet might belong to the Power With Ease.

If the Heavenly Shadow and the Heavenly Rasetsu were masters of the eastern and western region, then the Power With Ease was the one between them. The Power With Ease must be the most secret ones now. Why did they suddenly appear? It was really incredible.

Charles had heard about the Power With Ease before, but he didn't know much about it, mainly because there was very little information about it. As for the Heavenly Rasetsu, they had already investigated Emily and the Locke family, and now it was also secretly helping them. Was the Heavenly Rasetsu by Emily's side, or was it a enemy of the Locke family?

Charles looked at James, who threw up his hands. In fact, neither of the two groups was easy to break in. He didn't know much about them now, so he patted Charles on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry. Since they have shown kindness, they will not be enemies with us for the time being. Nothing will happen."

What's more, their kindness was too much. Since the Heavenly Shadow could find out who was behind the Locke family, then they could also find out these two forces. It was interesting to act like this even though they knew it.

The reason why they took action was that the Locke family was in trouble with them. Moreover, they might have a grudge against the Locke family. But it should not be that simple. If they were at a grudge against the Locke family, they could do it directly instead of helping them.


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