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Mommy I Found You A Hot Daddy (Vivianna) novel Chapter 49

Vivianna's face fell slightly. She looked coldly at Jessamyn, who was warning her, and said, "Mrs. Lambert, what do you mean by that?"

Jessamyn folded her arms and sneered, "What do I mean? Don't you know that? Today, Xenophilius told me that he met you in the restaurant. Tell me, how did you meet him in such an enormous A city? Did you deliberately create an opportunity to get close to him?"

After hearing that, Vivianna jeered, "Why should I create an opportunity to approach a man who'd abandoned me?"

The anger on Jessamyn's face did not diminish. She snapped sharply, "Why? Of course that is because Xenophilius is rich. You're playing the martyr so that he would pity you. In doing so, you can get some benefits from him."

"Mrs. Lambert, please mind your words. No matter how poor and broke I am, I will never ask for Xenophilius's mercy and charity. If I really want it, I would take back the 15% of Lambert family's shares from him." Vivianna sounded loud and clear.

Upon hearing that, Jessamyn's eyes widened, "You're still thinking of claiming that 15% of shares?" "Of course I am, it belonged to me originally. Back then, you guys plotted against me and took it away from me. Is there anything wrong with wanting back what's mine?" Vivianna said frostily.

Jessamyn sneered as if she had heard a joke, "Vivianna, the divorce agreement clearly stated that you were willing to give up the 15% shares and handed it over to Xenophilius. Now you want it back? In your dreams!"

Although Vivianna felt uncomfortable as if her heart was stabbed by needles, she raised her head and replied wittingly, "We still have a long way to go. Who knows if I have such ability?"

"So you didn't plan the meeting at the hotel on purpose?" Jessamyn narrowed her eyes and asked.

Vivianna understood that Jessamyn wanted to get some sort of reassurance from her response, so she said icily, "If there's nothing important, I'll get back to work."

Jessamyn noticed that she was being vague in her response, so she stopped her instantaneously, "Tell me clearly. Did you purposely meet Xenophilius in the restaurant?"

"So what if I did? What if I did not? I'm free to do whatever I desire." Vivianna didn't want her to have a good time. After that, she opened the door and left.

Jessamyn was so enraged that she bit her red lip, looking broody. If she thought about it carefully, there was an answer in Vivianna's words. However, Jessamyn did not dare to relax, because Xenophilius had started to show compassion for her.

Vivianna was like a bomb that would explode at any time beside Xenophilius. Just like she did in the past, attcking Xenophilius at anytime. Jessamyn dared not to be careless.

Moreover, there were some things that only Jessamyn knew. She thought that Xenophilius would love her for the rest of his life. However, what she'd realized during those four years was that Xenophilius did not love her as much as she thought.

Jessamyn pushed the door open and walked out of the conference room. She didn't want to pick on Vivianna anymore. She was going shopping to buy some new clothes. As long as she dressed herself up, Xenophilius would not look at other women.

She wanted to touch up her makeup, so she went inside the washroom with her purse. She entered a compartment and sat inside.

At that time, several female staff members filed in and started chatting.

"Have you heard? Designer Carlewood came to work by a sports car worth tens of millions of dollars in the morning." "I knew! We've already guessed who that person was."

A girl who had just arrived asked puzzledly, "Who is it?"

"That's Augustine, the male owner of the majestic building across us. The president of Giltstone Enterprise!"


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