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Mommy Super Cool novel (Silas Nolan, Camila) novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17 They Must Be Courting Death to Dare Bully Mommy

Gianna sat in the taxi without saying a word. She held her child tightly as if trying to protect the last treasure she had left. South‘s small arms wound themselves around her neck. “Don‘t be sad, Mommy. I will get back everything you lost for you.” Kate chimed in too, “That‘s right; South is right. You‘re already back. How can we allow her to continue acting so arrogantly? Everything she snatched from you, we‘ll get them back again.” Thus, Gianna smiled. “Don‘t worry; ‘m fine.” Then, they returned to La Grande Maison. When South got out of the car, a stab of pain went through his knee and he nearly fell to the ground. Fortunately, Gianna reacted quickly and caught him. “South, what‘s wrong?” South endured the pain and pretended to put up a calm front. “It‘s nothing.” However, Gianna wasn‘t that easy to fool. She immediately squatted down. “Show me; what‘s wrong with your leg?” Then, he avoided her. “It‘s nothing. Mommy, I‘m fine. Let‘s go home.”

Ignoring him, she rolled up his pants. Immediately, she saw that his knee was bruised. Moreover, the top of his knee was scraped and the skin was torn. Against his fair and tender skin, the bruises stood out shockingly.

Sucking in a deep breath, her heart seemed to clench in pain. Then, she bent down and carried him in her arms. “Let‘s go home quickly.”

As soon as they reached home, Gianna placed South on the sofa. At the same time, Kate brought the medical kit over.

Thus, Gianna gently swabbed at the wound with cotton wool soaked in disinfecting alcohol. She was so distressed that her heart felt like it had shattered to pieces; she lightly blew on the wound as she gently cleaned it.

“Mommy, it doesn‘t hurt,” South consoled her when he saw how distressed she was.

Unfortunately, the more considerate he was, the worse she felt. She said nothing but her tears slipped out of her eyes.

It‘s all because I have so much baggage that I caused my child to be dragged in to suffer with me too.

Afterward, South closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. When Gianna finally left, he sneakily got out of bed and sat down in front of his computer again. Then, his two small hands swiftly flew across the keyboard and he quickly found the studio where Kaylee worked. After finding a document folder on her computer, a smug smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The firewalls are a joke; there are no technical skills

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Chapter 17 They Must Be Courting Death to Dare Bul… involved whatsoever.

He scrolled through the file, muttering to himself, “How ugly.” Then, he hit the Enter button. Deleted! Looking at the empty page, South felt much better. How dare you bully Mommy, you must be courting death.

At the Nolan group the next day, Xavier held out his phone. “President Nolan, look at this; is that Miss Aubrey?”

you know.

Then, he ended the call, ignoring Landon‘s joyful yelling. After mulling over it for a while, he made another call. The phone rang twice, then a woman‘s voice sounded over the phone. “Silas.” Aunt Cathy, there‘s something I wanted to ask you about. The last time Brian fainted by the roadside, who was it that sent him to the hospital?” he asked coldly. On the other hand, the voice on the other side of the phone didn‘t seem affected. “It was a young lady with the surname Aubrey. That young lady was such a nice person; she even helped to pay for the medical fees. Afterward, I wanted to pay her back, but she refused to accept it. Now that I think about it, she seemed rather anxious back then.”


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