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Mommy Super Cool novel (Silas Nolan, Camila) novel Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Bad Luck

Landon hurriedly said, “I didn‘t do anything! It was an accident! Enough, enough; it‘s not something I can tell a brat like you.” As they were talking, Gianna returned. Then, South smilingly said, “Mommy, you have to be on time when you attend the interview at the Nolan Group tomorrow, okay?” She glanced at him coolly. “I will, you little brat!”

Pouting, South thought, Do you think it was easy for me to get you to go to the Nolan Group, Mommy? While on the road, Gianna stared out at the tall buildings outside the car window, feeling rather emotional.

“Gianna, it‘s been seven years since you last returned, right?” Landon asked. “Yeah, it‘s been seven years.” If it wasn‘t for the circumstances back then that had forced my hand, who would be willing to leave one‘s country for seven years?

At that moment, a familiar building flashed past her eyes suddenly–it was the Aubrey Company. Then, the events of the past flitted through her mind, one by one.

“Gianna? When will you go and treat my great–grandpa? I will need to make some arrangements too.” He dragged her thoughts back to the present. After mulling over it, she replied, “Tomorrow is Friday, and I have to attend an interview. You can arrange it on either Saturday or Sunday.” “No problem. Thanks, Gianna! Thanks for flying back especially for my great–grandpa!” She shook her head. “It’s no big deal. It‘s not like I came back specifically for your great–grandpa. I just thought that it‘s time for me to come home.”

Afterward, they chatted happily in the car. The journey took over an hour before they arrived at La Grande Maison–the residence Landon had prepared for them.

“The two of you will live here for the time being. Once an open unit opens up in our community district, I will transfer you over!” Thus, Gianna replied, “Okay.”

The next day, Gianna woke up early in the morning, put on some makeup to enhance her beauty, and kissed the little guy goodbye. “South, I’m going for the interview now. Behave yourself at home, okay? Also, I contacted your godmother. She’ll be here soon

to keep you company.” South nodded obediently. “Do your best, Mommy.” Looking ambitious, she assured him, “Yeah. Just you wait, South. I‘m going to make lots of money and support you.” Half an hour later, she raised her head to look at the iconic building that reached toward the skies and sighed in amazement. As expected of the Nolan Group–it‘s magnificent! Upon entering the building, she explained the reason for her arrival to the receptionist. Hence, the receptionist immediately invited Xavier over. “Mr. Dante, this is Miss Aubrey. She applied for the position of fashion designer and is here for an interview.The position of the fashion designer was a little special. For that reason, the president usually conducted the interview himself. “Noted,” Xavier replied. Lifting his head, his breath caught in his throat and he froze in place when he got a proper look at Gianna‘s face! T–T–This woman! l–Isn‘t she the thief President Nolan met at the airport yesterday? Why is she here?

“Miss Aubrey, please take a seat for the moment. I‘ll be right back!” Xavier hurriedly said to Gianna before rushing into the president‘s office. “President Nolan! Do you remember the thief we saw at the airport yesterday? She turned out to be a designer that has applied for a job at our company!”

“Hmm?” Silas slowly lifted his eyes. Are you sure it‘s her?”

Xavier nodded. “Absolutely.”

Chapter 3 Bad Luck She wasn’t a woman easily dazzled by looks since there were many other good–looking guys around her. However, none of them had ever sent a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins as he did. Not only that, but he also gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Silas leaned back in his chair lazily. To be honest, this woman is extremely beautiful. What a pity that she is nothing more than a kleptomaniac!

His tone was provocative, heavily leaning toward a mocking attitude mixed with some light banter. However, the thinly–veiled insults behind his words made Gianna‘s expression darken immediately. “President Nolan, what do you mean by that?” Silas looked at her and slowly articulated his words, word by word, “This company does not need an employee with poor moral character, like you.” After saying that, he gave Xavier a look. Xavier responded immediately, coming over and gesturing toward the door with a flourish.


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