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Mommy Super Cool novel (Silas Nolan, Camila) novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42 You Are Here

Very quickly, the two began beating each other up. Gianna shook her head, feeling annoyed. “Please take care of my couch! If you guys break it, I‘ll make you two sit on the floor!”

As she spoke, she went in to get changed. Kate tried picking at, pinching, twisting, biting, and kicking him. She tried everything she could.

However, Landon could not fight back. He was left with no choice but to use his trump card–he spread his legs and sat on Kate while his huge palms locked her wrists and he lifted her. This move was definitely nipping it in the bud.

At this moment, Kate had no other moves, so she began yelling, unwilling to accept defeat. “Landon, I‘m so going to kick you when I get down!” Landon snorted and pressed her harder, restricting her ability to move around. “I guess that means you aren‘t coming down anytime soon.” “You b*stard. Let go of me, or I‘m going to make you pay!” Kate howled angrily.

Landon did not give in. “Say something nice to me then I‘ll put you down.”

“I‘m so going to bite you later.” Kate panicked and decided to bang her head against his.

Seeing this, Landon subconsciously moved away from that headbutting motion that would injure the both of them. Then, he gradually released his grip.

Kate turned around and started chasing after him. “Stay put if you are a man.”

Landon could not help but run. “Stop chasing me if you are a woman!”

The total age of the two was somewhere between forty to fifty years old, but they were nonetheless running around in the house chasing each other.

Whilst getting changed in the room, Gianna heard the noise outside her room. Getting annoyed, she grabbed one of them after coming out of the room. “Stop messing around. I‘m heading out for lunch now. Are you guys going to stay here to wait for me or will you go back?”

“Now?” inquired Kate.

Gianna responded, “It‘s 10:30 AM already.”

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