Thirteen Needles of Ghosts was a kind of acupuncture therapy, but different from the normal ones.
As its name suggested, this kind of acupuncture therapy was a special cure for hades diseases. Hades diseases were those illnesses that cannot diagnosed by the machine in the hospital.
Such diseases were caused by the possession of a demon.
When someone got such a disease, they found the experienced and senior doctor of TCM, who was good at the therapy.
In the past, this acupuncture therapy was often seen in the minority regions in the southwest of the country.
Back then, this therapy was well known among the folks. As time went by, many doctors of TCM didn’t bother to learn the therapy, because it’s hard to learn. So the acupuncture therapy had not been heard gradually.
Now, most people present never heard of the Thirteen Needles of Ghosts.
Andrew was surprised and stared at Klara, asking, “How do you know it?”
Klara’s face changed, saying, “I have got this disease for many years. Every time the disease attacked me, I felt I was very close to death. My family has taken me to visit many famous doctors, but they checked me with high-tech machine and found out nothing. Later, an old fortune teller told me that there was a ghost living inside me, and only the Thirteen Needles of Ghosts can heal me. But it has been lost, and I don’t know where to go and find it.”
“But it never occurs to me that I meet you today and you are the generation of it.”
Saying so, excitement and gratitude can be seen on Klara’s face.
The onlookers heard what she said, and they all stared at each other with amazement. They were all educated with sciences and technology, and they all believed that the things about ghosts were feudal superstition.
They didn’t believe the existence of ghosts, but they had to now with the facts in front of them.
And the victim was a woman, an attractive woman. The men would listen to beautiful women, so they believed it at least at that time.
“Thank you, Mr. Stone. You saved me!” Klara bowed low to Andrew with gratitude.
Andrew still looked at Klara from a throne, saying, “Nothing, I didn’t do too much.”
Klara smiled and said, “But you have saved me and it matters to me. If I didn’t meet you, I would say that I was inches from death.”
Andrew said nothing more.
“Well! Someone just said he will quit and go back home to be a farmer.” Evelyn gave a glance at Ashley, while he was now too terrified to say anything.
He came to himself after he heard Evelyn’s voice.
“I, I just…” He faltered, with scarlet in the face.
Evelyn snorted, “What? You wouldn’t like to keep your words, right? You are the A-Class physician back from the overseas, and you will keep your words, right? After all, everyone heard your promises.”
“Everybody, you tell him whether you heard Ashley’s words.”
The onlookers all pointed and mocked at him. With flushed face, Ashley stared maliciously at Andrew, saying, “That’s your witchcraft. I am a real doctor, and you are nothing compared to me.”
Finishing speaking, he walked out of the hotel in anger.
Andrew just showed a helpless smile, without saying.
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