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More Than Lust novel Chapter 15

Grace's pov

I am sitting in Mr. Gomez's office. When those brothers started fighting, Gomez quickly came with guards and seperated them. He ordered me to sit in his office until he handles the situation.

I am sitting here for almost an hour and playing with hem of his sleeves. His coat is too big for me, i can literally wear it as a short dress. It's sleeves are too long, i thought about folding it up but it looks so expensive, I am afraid that I might ruin it.

It's smelling like him, it feels like he is sitting with me. His scent will never leave my mind, how can I forget the scent which lingers on my body whole night and every morning.

I have stopped crying but still I am scared. I don't know why but in recent days my life has become so dramatic. I am trying to forget the humiliating questions his brother asked me. I am trying to avoid the word which is ringing in my head, whore!

Why his brother did that to me? Why he was asking me those questions like he is interested in chief's life? It looks like he tore my sleeve just to provoke him. Was he testing him? Why would he do that? And why he stopped when chief talked about some Bella, who is she?

I thought chief doesn't care but he stopped his brother. I have never seen him this much angry. Sometimes he seems mad but never like this. If he ever growled at me like he did to his brother then i will literally die with heartattack. Why he got so angry when he saw scratch on me? Why he punched his brother for me? He does worst than his brother.

As usual I can't understand this man and don't want to know him either. 13 days and It will be over. I want to go far away from here. I will never come back to this country.

Will I ever be able to take him out of my mind? Will I be able to live a normal life?

Osman called me today, he apologized but i couldn't tell him that it's not his fault. It was dream come true for me. I always dreamt my future with him, love, marriage, family and kids. But all my dreams crashed Down.

Osman said he has got the job offer from turkey, he is going back to his home. We might never meet again, i won't be able to see my best friend again. My first love will never find its destination. I wanted to meet him for the last time, I wanted to tell him how important he is for me, no one can ever fill up his place in my heart. I will always cherish my moments with him.

It hurts but may be it wasn't meant to be, this is the only excuse which I am using to console my stupid heart. It's very hard to let someone go whom you like. I was so close to get my perfect life but Dominick Moretti destroyed everything.

Sometimes I wonder, should I really blame him or real culprit is my father. He is mafia, it's his business. He could have kill me and that's it, end of everything but at least he is giving me chance to survive. It's not like he dragged me to his bed and raped me, I climbed on his bed by myself. I asked for it. I was desperate to save myself. After all this, should I really blame him?

The only thing which bother me is his behavior towards me. He only talks to me when he wants to threaten me with my life. He scares me. His dominating behavior is making my life difficult. But he treats everyone like this then why would I be exception?

Why I want him to treat me nicely? Sometimes I wonder what it feels like to hear some nice words from his beautiful lips. How will he look while smiling? Will he ever be able to care for someone? He makes me curious, he makes me want to know more about him. But trying to know him is more like putting your hand in fire, it will only burn me. I shouldn't think about him, Anyway I won't be with him forever.

I looked at the table watch and sighed, how long am I supposed to sit here. I stood up and started walking in Gomez's office. It's too small compared to Chief's office. It's boring.

I walked towards the door and silently peaked outside. Gomez and few guards were standing in front 'his' office door.

May be they are waiting for someone, but who?

After few seconds Doctor came out of his office while wiping his sweaty face. He shook his head at Gomez and walked away.

Why they have called the doctor, is he injured?

I stepped out and walked towards Gomez.

"Is everything ok?"

I asked him. He looked confused and in dilemma.

Gomez looked at me and his eyes sparkled like he got the solution of his problem.


He took my hand and placed the medical kit in my hand.

"Go and treat Chief's hand, he is injured."


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