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Mr. CEO, You're Just A Substitute novel Chapter 187

Starry had some vague pains in her belly for two days, and she counted the days, her period was coming up.

The day is getting warmer at the end of April, so it's okay to drink a room temperature drink on this day, but she always has a hard time with her period, she almost drinks warm.

"...... Thank you."

She was going to ask him why he suddenly bought this for her, but after thinking about it, she didn't say much in the end.

People also have good intentions.

Starry poked the straw in and her eyebrows twitched as she entered.

Slightly sweet, just the right amount of sweetness for her liking.

She looked up again at Filip, who was driving, his eyes looking meticulously ahead.

Starry had looked at his side face countless times, and now, looking at it again, he realized that he really did not look anything like Sebastian.

If you have to say that they are similar, it is probably the side profile of their noses that is a bit similar, and the end of their eyes are also a bit similar to make people feel similar.

But when you really look at it seriously, Filip's side face is a bit more rigid.

His lips are thinner than Sebastian's, the peak of his lips is not very obvious, the gap at the corner of his lips closing is very sharp, like the mouth cut out by a sharp knife, the outline of his nose looks the same, but in fact there are some differences, his nose is smaller, the bridge of his nose is very straight, the lines are very smooth.

Eyes since it is not necessary to say, Sebastian's eyes are the most beautiful, eyelids overlap distinctly, eyes accounted for large, happy and unhappy, a look at those eyes can be seen.

The shape of Filip's eyes looks the same as Sebastian's, more so in the side, but his eyes are a little longer at the end, and when viewed from the front, the black eyes are not half as emotional.

From the side of the face, Filip a face more hard and cold, everywhere through the people do not approach the coldness.

It turns out that after the NPC dream lucid, everything looks better than before.

Starry twitched his eyebrows, closed his eyes and glanced ahead at the road.

Because the statement was taken for nearly two hours, from the police station out of time is not early, this time is already more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

The weather before the incident is still very good, now the sky is a little cloudy, looking into the distance of the car window, more see the group in the sky of dark clouds.

It's going to rain again.

Starry thought of the roses that were pruned yesterday, and looked at the dark clouds, wondering if the rain would be heavy, and if it was, those roses would most likely be knocked out.

The red light in front, the car slowly stopped, Filip tilted his head to look at the side of Starry.

She tilted her head sideways, completely oblivious to his line of sight.

The glass of honey and grapefruit water was in her hands, and she drank only a little, and without looking closely, she could not tell that she had drunk it.

Filip thought of Dillon's words on the way here, saying that girls must be at a loss when it comes to this kind of thing, and this is the time to show his thoughtfulness and tenderness.

But how is this going to manifest? This has to be a degree, too much, but a few words can not help but seem too pale.

In short, buy a drink that is usually Starry's favorite drink, so that you can appease each other and not look too much.

He stood in front of that milk tea store and thought for a long time about what Starry usually likes to drink.

The only thing he remembers is the lemon and honey water Starry made for him three times yesterday inside the villa.

After careful consideration, Starry seemed to dislike cold drinks, and he asked for room temperature.

When he asked for warm lemon and honey water, Dillon was pushing for a lot of reluctance on the sidelines.

But the clerk said there was no warm lemon honey water, only warm honey grapefruit tea.

He hesitated between temperature and taste for three minutes, and it was Dillon who finally tapped him to order the warm honey grapefruit tea.

While the two were waiting for their drinks to come out, Dillon swore that Starry would be very impressed.


He looked at Starry on the sidelines and, to be honest, couldn't quite see it.


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