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Mr. CEO, You're Just A Substitute novel Chapter 219

old Mrs. Pearson deliberately glanced at Starry before looking at Filip: "You're back just in time, we're just getting ready for dinner."

Filip looked to Starry and nodded slightly, as a greeting.

"You guys eat first, I'll go wash my hands first."

With that, he went to the bathroom.

old Mrs. Pearson also opened her mouth for Starry to go to dinner. Martha reached out to help old Mrs. Pearson and was blocked by old Mrs. Pearson: "I'm not at that point yet."

Martha withdrew her hand and smiled, "Yes, you are still fit and healthy."

old Mrs. Pearson grunted and walked herself to the table.

Starry also had to wash her hands, and as she was going to the bathroom, she bumped into Filip coming out of it.

He didn't just wash his hands, he washed his face, and his hair was dripping from his forehead as it was dripping with water.

Probably back inside the house, he was a little more casual, the buttons of his white shirt were loosened by two, revealing two collarbones.

Starry swept a glance without thinking, "I'll wash my hands."


He answered, but the man did not leave.

Starry came out and found him still there waiting for himself.

She was embarrassed, "You waited for me?"

"Just thinking about things."

Dark eyes looked at her, Filip lied in a serious way.

The two walked together to the dining room, and Martha, beside old Mrs. Pearson, sighed softly, "What a good match."

old Mrs. Pearson looked and agreed: "My future great-grandchildren will be beautiful!"

"That's natural!"

Martha answered.

Starry and Filip both had come over and the two had stopped talking.

But old Mrs. Pearson did not hide her thoughts in the slightest as they both looked back and forth.

Spare Starry, are a little embarrassed.

When I was seated, my aunt had already laid out the food.

old Mrs. Pearson ate slowly as she sipped her soup and looked over at Filip: "You heard about the Scott family?"

She said more than once that the Scott family's family style does not work, old Mrs. Pearson lived to be eighty years old, look at people a right.

old Mr. Scott, Glenn Scott with her a generation, the Pearson family just rise to power, Glenn is trying to make friends with the Pearson family, he does not act unleash, do are slippery things, this is not a reliable.

Born a son Henry, when he was a child was spoiled beyond recognition, when he was young can do a lot of bullying things.

That Rowan and Lucia two people look quite understand the etiquette, but in the end is the surname Scott, Lucia is determined to marry into the Pearson family, is not also looking at the Pearson family's potential.

Rowan heard that he broke up with his girlfriend of seven years last year and found a mayor's daughter.

The Scott family is not a reliable person, as they see it.

As the saying goes, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, the Scott family such a family style, old Mrs. Pearson has long guessed that the Scott family sooner or later one day to accident.

Filip nodded a little: "I heard about it."

old Mrs. Pearson looked at Starry: "Has Starry heard?"

Starry laughed a little, "I heard about that too."

It is unexpected that old Mrs. Pearson also likes to hear these gossip things.

old Mrs. Pearson then spoke: "The Scott family is not a good family, you should not deal with them."

Seeming to remember something, old Mrs. Pearson looked at Starry: "Is Lucia still bothering you?"

Starry shook his head, "No more."


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