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Mr. CEO, You're Just A Substitute novel Chapter 227

Starry looked at the word "tsk" and was uncomfortable for a few moments.

Filip had already returned with the bill, Starry did not continue to talk with Izabella, she turned off the phone screen, slightly looked up at Filip who sat down again: "Is it very uncomfortable?"

Filip gave her a look and slowly pulled up his sleeves, "It's okay, I can get used to it."

"That seems to be something you're not quite used to now."

Starry smiled and took a packet of tissues for him from inside her bag, "The table is indeed a little dirty."

She said, taking out another pack of tissues herself and wiping down the table in front of her.

Filip pulled up both sleeves, picked up the paper towels on the table, and drew two out to wipe the table.

But a few strokes, that paper towel is covered with black and yellow oil stains.

A thick brow furrowed for a moment, but stretched when he looked at Starry: "What would you like to drink?"

Filip put aside the paper towel that had wiped the table, and never glanced over again after his eyes moved away.

Starry took a look at the tissue and didn't break it down, "...... beer, is that okay?"

"Of ice?"


Filip got up and came back with a can of beer, "Drive."

He opened a beer and put it in front of her, with a passing explanation.


Starry took the beer, the edge of the can was cold, Filip's hand was warm, her fingers accidentally touched, and subconsciously shrank.

Filip quickly let go of his hand, and the back of his hand seemed to have the softness of his fingers touching it, and he raised his hand to touch it.

By this time, the waiter of the barbecue restaurant had already brought up some of the food they ordered.

Starry took a sip of beer and the cold liquid flowed down her throat into her esophagus and finally pooled inside her stomach, passing through places that were all cold, which made her feel real.

Starry glanced at Filip : "Do you want to eat the grilled chicken wings?"

Filip doesn't like them much, and Starry has never seen him eat them before.

"Haven't had much of it."

He watched as Starry picked up the chicken wings and Filip took a sip of mineral water and raised his hand to take a bunch as well.

The taste is not as bad as expected, but a little salty, and not to say delicious.

Soon, other things were also brought up at one end.

What Starry ordered wasn't strange, Filip was relieved.

"Have you never had a barbecue with someone inside a restaurant like this before?"

Starry didn't miss Filip's puzzled look at every single thing she saw, and she took a sip of her beer for a rare moment to talk.

"Not much of a chance."

Filip said, glanced at her and volunteered the reason: "My parents had an accident when I was about ten years old, and after their accident, my grandfather had to return to the Eternal Group to run the show."

"Well, you've said all these things."

"I went to a private, aristocratic school from elementary to high school, where I was scheduled to take many classes every day, in addition to the required ones. Since the beginning of high school, I was assigned to learn about economics and management, and after my high school exams, I had joined THE Eternal Group."

"Before I was ten, although I also had to learn different things every day and my schedule was full, I still had my parents in the end, and Frances spoiled me, so what I wanted was just a matter of opening my mouth."

"After the age of ten, I was no longer a simple rich kid, normal ordinary high school and college life was a luxury for me, let alone coming out to these places for a late dinner with friends."

Filip said these things in a very flat tone, can not hear dissatisfaction, nor complaints.

Starry knew that he was just stating these facts.

He is not sorry, nor can he say that he is sad.

Starry raised her hand to her chin, looked at him, and smiled, "Even if you have such time, you may not want to come and eat."


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